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International Coffeehouses: Turkey

This guide will provide links to resources related to the countries featured in the International Coffeehouses.

Snapshots of Turkey

Turkey Library.

Burhan Ozbilici, & 2/20/2020 3:21:37 PM, apellaschiar. (2020). Turkey Library.

Turkey Activist Tria

Uncredited, & 2/19/2020 1:03:29 PM, rcackett. (2020). Turkey Activist Trial.

Turkey Istanbul Daily Life

Emrah Gurel. (2020). Turkey Istanbul Daily Life.

Art & Architecture

Late Neolithic-Early Chalcolithic Period

(Late Neolithic-Early Chalcolithic Period, Photographed: 1986). View. Retrieved from

Troy IX

(Troy IX (ca. 85 BC-500 AD) ?, Photographed: 1993). Odeon.. Retrieved from

Hagia Sophia

(532-537, Photographed: 1953). Hagia Sophia. Retrieved from

Virgin of Vladimir

(ca. 1125). Virgin of Vladimir, icon. Retrieved from

Murad IV

(17th cent.). Murad IV (1612-1640), sultan of the Ottoman Empire. [portrait painting]. Retrieved from


Built originally probably by Emperor Constantine I; rebuilt by Emperor Justinian I; renovated by Maria Dukaina, mother-in-law of Emperor  Alexius I; rebuilt again by Isaac Comnenus, Emperor Alexius's son; 14th century mosaics and frescos were mostly donated by Byzantine Politician Theodore Metochites; converted into a mosque by Atik Ali Pasa, Vizier of Ottoman Sultan Bayezid II; Thomas Whittemore and Paul A. Underwood from the Byzantine Institute of America and the Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies sponsored the restorations. (Originally built in the early 5th century AD; rebuilt circa 527-565 AD within the city's 5th century AD fortification; current building dates from the extensive renovations done circa 1077-1081; damaged in the 12th century probably by an earthquake and la). Church of Our Savior in Chora / Chora Church / Church of the Holy Savior in the Country / The Church of the Holy Redeemer in the Fields, Paracclesion, Eastern Apse, from left to right St. Basil, St. Gregory, St. Cyril of Alexandria, Fresco. Retrieved from

Books about Turkey


Mango Languages

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Music of Turkey

Bazaar Istanbul: Music of Turkey album art

Traditions of Turkey: Huseyin & Günay Turkmenler album art

Discover Music From Turkey album art

Ensemble Hüseyin Türkmenler: Traditional Songs From Turkey album art

Drama in Turkey