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Music Library Thematic Displays: Musician's Health and Wellness

This guide showcases resources from the George F. DeVine Music Library centered on specific themes. Selected themes reflect UT School of Music events and programs, as well as cultural celebrations.

Musician's Health and Wellness

Musician's Health and Wellness

Lyre of Apollo

Rod of Asclepius, a symbol of medicine

"This variable composition of man's body hath made it as an instrument easy to distemper. Therefore, the poets did well to conjoin music and medicine in Apollo, because the office of medicine is but to tune this curious harp of man's body and to reduce it to harmony."

-- Francis Bacon, Advancement of Learning

Display Case

Display case with materials on health and wellness for musicians

Musician's Health and Wellness, August 2023

Did you know? August is National Wellness Month

Musicians have unique health and wellness needs. Taking care of your instrument includes taking care of yourself!

Books on Health and Wellness

Health Resources for Vols

Hearing Protection

Hearing Protection and Hearing Loss

Musicians are at an increased risk for noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). Protect your hearing by monitoring noise exposure and wearing ear protection as appropriate.

Forgot your earplugs at home? Ask for a pair at the music library front desk!

Music and the Brain

Music and the Brain

Stage Fright and Performance Anxiety

Music and Mental Health

Music and the Body

Injury Prevention

Vocal Health


Keyboard and Percussion

Wind and Brass

Search the Library Catalog

For more resources about health and wellness, search the library catalog under these subject headings:

[YOUR INSTRUMENT HERE] – Instruction and study
MUSICIANS – health and hygiene
MUSICIANS – wounds and injuries
MUSIC – physiological aspects
MUSIC – psychological aspects


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