Score: Treatise, Cornelius Cardew, 1963-7
Graphic Notation Display Case, June 2023
"12. Spiral Galaxy (Aquarius)"
Makrokosmos I
George Crumb, 1974
CRUMB, G.: Makrokosmos I and II (Henz-Diémand)
Part III: No. 12 Spiral Galaxy (Aquarius)
Naxos Music Library
Belle, bonne, sage, plaisant
Baude Cordier, 15th century
Find "Belle, bonne, sage" in Capturing Music: the story of notation by Thomas Forrest Kelly (ML 431.K45 2015).
Vocal Music (Medieval) - CASERTA, P. de / CORDIER, B. / EGIDIUS DE FRANCIA / PYKINI (Codex Chantilly, Vol. 3) (Tetraktys)
Bonne, belle, sage, plaisant
Naxos Music Library
Projection I
Morton Feldman
Find "Projection 1" and other works by Morton Feldman in The Graph Music of Morton Feldman (ML 410.F2957 C55 2016).
FELDMAN, M.: Patterns in a Chromatic Field (Deforce, Y. Oya)
Projection I
Naxos Music Library
Serenata per un satellite
Bruno Maderna, 1970
BERIO: Linea / Sequenza VIII / Chamber Music / MADERNA: Serenata per un satellite / Giardino Religioso / Oboe Concerto No. 2
Serenata per un satellite
Naxos Music Library
Augenmusik ("eye music"): Music with graphic features apparent to a performer or reader, but not to a listener.
One of the earliest graphic scores dates back to the 15th century. “Belle, bonne, sage” (“Beautiful, good, wise”) by Baude Cordier is a rondeau about love, appropriately arranged in the shape of a heart.
"Bonne, belle, sage" by Baude Cordier
Some 500 years after Cordier, George Crumb employed a similar technique in Makrokosmos II, arranging “12. Agnus Dei” (a reference to the section of Christian liturgy that end with the words “grant us peace”) in the shape of a peace sign.
"12. Agnus Dei (Capricorn)" from Makrokosmos II by George Crumb
Chamber Music - CORDIER, B. / CUVELIER, J. / GALIOT, J. / VAILLANT, J. / SENLECHES, J. de / TREBOR (French Ars Subtilior) (Trio Subtilior)
Belle, bonne, sage, plaisant
CRUMB, G.: Makrokosmos I and II (Stange)
Part III: No. 12 Agnus Dei (Capricorn)
Some composers utilize graphic notation to describe electronic sounds that have no representation in traditional staff notation. In the example below from Symfonia: muzyka elektroniczna (Symphony: electronic music), composer Bogusław Schäffer uses a variety of pictograms and symbols to notate electronically produced sounds.
Symfonia : muzyka elektroniczna, Bogusław Schäffer
Graphic scores can be difficult or impossible to interpret at first glance. This inspires some composers to create music that varies drastically depending on the performer interprets the score. In this way, graphic notation serves as an improvisation guide, rather than a prescriptive recipe for sound.
Most famous for his composition 4’33”, avant-garde American composer John Cage (1912-1992) “investigated ways of opening up his compositions by making their notation ambiguous, a situation he referred to as “indeterminacy.” This meant that the results of his compositional systems were no longer fixed objects but took on more the character of processes. The performer’s role was to animate the process Cage had set forth, producing results that, while having certain similarities, would differ in details at each performance or “realization.””
Citation: Pritchett, J., Kuhn, L., & Garrett, C. Cage, John. Grove Music Online. Retrieved 9 Jun. 2023.
John Cage, "Solo for voice (Aria no. 2)"
Singing Through: Vocal Compositions by John Cage, Joan La Barbara
Songs of Irrelevance and Passion, Canto LX, Frank Agsteribbe
Graphic notation can communicate extended techniques or unconventional methods of using an instrument. These extended techniques might require playing an instrument in an unorthodox way, like tapping on the bell of a brass instrument, or they might dictate a timbre or tone color, like instructing a singer to scream or sing with a breathy tone quality.
Luciano Berio, Sequenza III (excerpt)
MuseScore, Finale, Dorico, and Sibelius all support imported graphics. Check out a laptop from the music library to use Finale or Sibelius, or download MuseScore for free. UT students can also download Adobe Creative Cloud for free through the Office of Innovative Technologies.