Currently, the vendor visit philosophy within APCS and ACR is to only accept visits when there is a need for a face-to-face meeting that a virtual meeting or phone call will not satisfy. Vendor visits present several issues for all parties involved. Vendor visits may provide wrong impressions related to acquisitions, and these visits are expensive to the vendors (our resource costs provide the funding for their visits). Furthermore, the travel has a negative impact on our climate.
Below is how APCS and ACR reply to most vendor visit requests. Feel free to use or modify this language when speaking with vendors.
Thank you for the offer, but we are not hosting vendor visits at this time. We are focusing on assessing our current resource offerings and stewarding our flat funds to best support the expressed teaching and research needs of our faculty, staff, and students. Therefore, we want to be respectful of your time and continue our relationship by phone and email for the present. We may request a visit in the future to provide training for already subscribed resources or resources that we are interested in obtaining.
Thank you for understanding.