Information on retention and deselection of our physical collection.
A healthy circulating collection for UTK is one in which we house titles that:
are of interest to our users’ research, teaching, or learning,
are scarce across our wider system of resource sharing partners,
or meet the needs and interests of TN residents.
Part of managing a healthy collection is to make room for new items by regularly removing items that no longer contribute to the collection.
Our library provides access to millions of items spanning a wide range of disciplines, supporting research and learning at every level. While we offer extensive resources across all fields, our collections are particularly strong in certain areas, reflecting the rich history and expertise of our region. These include:
We also prioritize:
Aspirational Peers are institutions selected by University Administration that we strive to emulate. They also list Comparative institutions.
Below are additional Comparative Groups that we use when conducting reviews.
UT Libraries was designated a land-grant selective depository library for U.S. Government Documents publications in 1907.The current selection rate is approximately 24 percent of the publications in the List of Classes that are made available to participating depository libraries. UT selections are primarily digital format.
Other Knoxville depositories are:
The regional depository library for the state of Tennessee is located at the The University of Memphis.
Retention Partnerships
ASERL Scholar's Trust, a journal retention cooperative. Per this agreement, UTK is committed to retaining more than 150 journal titles. Current title list and date coverage can be found on the Scholar's Trust webpage. (Note: also referenced as Information Alliance retention from prior cooperative.)
HathiTrust Shared Print Program, a monograph retention cooperative. Per this agreement, UTK is committed to retaining more than 17,000 monographs.
Examples of documentation to retention agreements in MARC 583 and display in OneSearch:
Collection Logistics often comes across damaged items in the stacks. They have a procedure in place to address these damaged items. This procedure processes the item through the ELDBR process and Preservation if necessary.
Our Collection Strategist is creating a plan for cyclical reviews.
Deselection is an important part of maintaining a healthy collection. Assessment Programs & Collection Strategy perform cyclical reviews with subject specialists and others in the library to determine good candidates for deselection. See the Cyclical Reviews tab for more information.
We will have a request form where you can submit a request for items to be withdrawn from the collection.
Contact for the time being.
Assessment Programs and Collection Strategy conduct annual Renewal Reviews of our electronic resources with Acquisitions and Continuing Resources. APCS also regularly works with the Licensing Team to review licensing terms and Big Deal Packages.
Assessment Programs and Collection Strategy can offer valuable data about our electronic resources like usage.
See the E-Resources and Data and Reports tabs to the left for more details.
Contact the E-Resources Team for more information:
Would you like to request a review that falls outside the Cyclical Review schedule?
Assessment Programs and Collection Strategy can map out a plan with you! Contact
Reasons for additional reviews: