The Annual Survey of Manufactures is based on a sample of manufacturing establishments. It provides annual statistics for employment, payroll, inventories, expenditures, value of products shipped, etc.
1949-1953: HD9724.A3 Hodges Stacks HA195.U52 Storage Microfilm
Use the Guide to the microfilm to find reel numbers: HA195.U52 Guide in the Reference room.
The Current Industrial Reports (CIR) program provided monthly, quarterly, and annual measures of industrial activity. From 1904, the CIR program has been an essential part of the quinquennial economic census, manufacturing sector, and the annual survey of manufactures. The CIR surveys provided current statistics at a more detailed product level than either of the other two statistical programs. Beginning in 1993, CIRs are available online from the Census web site. The program was discontinued in 2012.
The series contains over 100 titles that provide statistics on production, inventories and orders for commodities in U.S. manufacturing.
1946-1967: HA195.U52 #3697-3706 Storage Microfiche
Dates and Call Numbers for print copies in Hodges Stacks vary according to the series title. Check the online catalog for holdings.
For CIR series check the Census Bureau's CIR site or consult the Catalogs and Guides.
The Census of Manufactures was first taken in the decennial Census of 1810. This Census provides data for products and industries in small geographic areas. Taken every ten years from 1810-1900 (no census taken in 1830); every five years from 1905-1919; and every two years thereafter from 1921-1939. After the war years, the Census resumed in 1947 and is now taken for years ending in "2" and "7"
1810: HA201 1810.B24 Census Collection 3rd.floor
HA195.M5 Storage microfilm
1820: HA201 1820.B5 oversize Census Collection 3rd.floor
HA195.M5 Storage microfilm
1840, 1850: HA195.M5 Storage microfilm
1860: HA201 1860.B2 Census Collection 3rd.floor
HA195.M5 Storage microfilm
1870: HA201 1870.B2 vol.3 Census Collection 3rd.floor
1880: HA201 1880.B2 vol.2 Census Collection 3rd.floor
HA195.M5 Storage microfilm
1890-1900: HA201(census yr.).B2 vols. Census Collection 3rd.floor
HA195.M5 Storage microfilm
1905: HD9724.A4 1905a 4 vols. Stacks, 4th floor
HA195.U5 Storage microfilm
1910: HA201 1910.A15 v.8-9 Census Collection 3rd.floor
HA195.M5 Storage microfilm
1914: HD9724.A4 1918 vols. 1-2. Stacks, 4th floor
HA195.U5 Storage microfilm
1920: HA201.1920.A15 v.8-10 Census Collection 3rd floor
HA195.M5 Storage microfilm
1921-1927, 1931-1937 HD9724.A2. Stacks, 4th floor
HA195.U5 Storage microfilm
1930 & 1940: HA201 1930. A5 & HA201 1940. A7 vols.1-3 Census Collection 3rd.floor
HA195.M5 Storage microfilm
1947-1963: HD9724.A4 Stacks, 4th floor
HA195.U52 Storage microfilm
1967-1992: HD9724.A4 Stacks, 4th floor
1987, 1992 & 1997: also on Cd-Rom in Storage
2002-current Economic Census online (select manufacturing)
Economic Census Historical Data
Use the guides to the microfilm collection in the Reference room to find reel numbers before requesting microfilm from Storage.
HA195.M5 and HA195.U5
TN 1820, 1850-1880: HD9727.T2A4 Storage Microfilm
KY 1850-1880: HD9727.K4A4 Storage Microfilm
GA 1880: HD9727.G4A4 Storage Microfilm
LA 1880: HD9727.L8A4 Storage Microfilm