American FactFinder
Find demographic and economic data from the Census of Population & Housing, the American Community Survey, and the Economic Census. Provides data for all geographies including the U.S., states, counties, cities, towns and 5-digit zip codes.
Social Explorer
Access current and historical Census data and demographics by geographic area. Create reports and maps.
Historical Census Files 1790- (Census Bureau)
Historical Census Browser (Univ. Va.)
Population and economy data for U.S. states and counties, 1790-1960
ICPSR (Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research). An archive of social science data for research. Includes Census and other data files from federal statistical agencies.
Dubester's U.S. Census Bibliography with SuDocs Class Numbers and Indexes. 1996.
List census publications for the 1790-1940 censuses.
Measuring America: The Decennial Censuses from 1790 to 2000 - Census Bureau, 2002.
Hoskins Storage / SUDOC stacks: C 3.2:M 46/2
Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790 to 1990 - Census, 1996.
Sudocs Storage: C 3.2:P 81/26
Population Information in Nineteenth Century Census Volumes. Hodges: HA214.S22
Population Information in Twentieth Century Census Volumes. (Janette's desk copy)
1900-1940 Hodges: HA214.S23;
1950-1980 Hodges: HA214.S24.
Schulze, Suzanne. Oryx, 1983.
Hodges Reference HA202 2013 Print