Rare Books
Bridges and Barriers to Ecosystem-based Approaches : The Case of Tennessee Valley Authority's Adoption of the Watershed Approach. 2001 (Thesis 2001b.M36)
Clearing the Air : Getting the Dirt on TVA's Coal-fired Power Plants. 2000 (TD888.P67 M58 2000)
EPA, TVA and Pollution Control : A Comparative Analysis of Intragovernmental Policy Implementation. 1981 (Thesis 81b.D872)
Intragovernmental Regulation and the Public Interest : Air Pollution Control in the Tennessee Valley. 1983 (TD833.5.T45 I58)
One River - Seven States; TVA-State Relations, in the Development of the Tennessee River. 1955 (TK1425.M8 R58)
Crew at work in exploration trenches
in village site in Hamilton County, Tennessee.