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Tennessee Valley Authority (Special Collections): Policies and Environment

This research guide highlights primary sources and research materials regarding the Tennessee Valley Authority. Available formats include rare books, manuscripts, letters, diaries, photographs, and digital collections.

Policies and Environmentalism

Rare Books

Bridges and Barriers to Ecosystem-based Approaches : The Case of Tennessee Valley Authority's Adoption of the Watershed Approach. 2001 (Thesis 2001b.M36)
Clearing the Air : Getting the Dirt on TVA's Coal-fired Power Plants. 2000 (TD888.P67 M58 2000)
EPA, TVA and Pollution Control : A Comparative Analysis of Intragovernmental Policy Implementation. 1981 (Thesis 81b.D872)
Intragovernmental Regulation and the Public Interest : Air Pollution Control in the Tennessee Valley. 1983 (TD833.5.T45 I58)
One River - Seven States; TVA-State Relations, in the Development of the Tennessee River. 1955 (TK1425.M8 R58)

Plack and white photograph of a TVA crew working in a large field.
Crew at work in exploration trenches
in village site in Hamilton County, Tennessee.

Special Collections and University Archives

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Special Collections
121 Hodges Library
1015 Volunteer Blvd.
Knoxville, TN 37996

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