First TVA Board
Manuscript Collections
John L. Neely Jr. Papers, 1940-1955 (MS.1390)
This collection houses manuals, bulletins, and agendas documenting John L. Neely Jr.'s work with the Tennessee Valley Authority.
Tennessee Valley Authority Pamphlet Collection, 1933-1965 (MS.0631)
This collection houses numerous pamphlets describing the TVA's activities between 1933 and 1965.
Tennessee Valley Authority Reports, 1933-1973 (MS.0828)
This collection houses reports (many originally intended for use only within the TVA), summaries, articles, and a thesis documenting the activities of the Tennessee Valley Authority between 1933 and 1973.
Rare Books
Budget Administration in the Tennessee Valley Authority. 1948 (HF5006.T2 S8 no.15)
The Consequences of Administrative Decision : TVA's Economic Development Mission and Intragovernmental Regulation. 1983 (TK1425 .M8 R42)
The TVA : An Experiment in the "Grass Roots" Administration of Federal Functions. 1939 (TK1425.M8 L5)
The Tennessee Valley Authority's Geographic Information System : A Study of Implementing a Regional Agency's GIS in Local Government Planning. 1993 (Thesis 92.D293) The Tennessee Valley Authority; A Study in Public Administration. 1943 (TK1425.M8 P68)