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U.S. Census and Related Sources : Guides/Handbooks

United States statistics


American FactFinder
Find demographic and economic data from the Census of Population & Housing, the American Community Survey, and the Economic Census. Provides data for all geographies including the U.S., states, counties, cities, towns and 5-digit zip codes.

Social Explorer
Access current and historical Census data and demographics by geographic area. Create reports and maps.

Historical Census Files 1790- (Census Bureau)

Historical Census Browser
 (Univ. Va.)
Population and economy data for U.S. states and counties, 1790-1960

ICPSR (Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research). An archive of social science data for research. Includes Census and other data files from federal statistical agencies.


Dubester's U.S. Census Bibliography with SuDocs Class Numbers and Indexes. 1996.
List census publications for the 1790-1940 censuses.

Measuring America: The Decennial Censuses from 1790 to 2000 - Census Bureau, 2002.
Hoskins Storage / SUDOC stacks: C 3.2:M 46/2

Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790 to 1990 - Census, 1996.
Sudocs Storage: C 3.2:P 81/26

Population Information in Nineteenth Century Census VolumesHodges: HA214.S22
Population Information in Twentieth Century Census Volumes. (Janette's desk copy)
Hodges: HA214.S23;
Hodges: HA214.S24.
Schulze, Suzanne. Oryx, 1983.



  • ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the United States. 2013-

Hodges Reference HA202 2013 Print

  • Statistical Abstract of the United States. Census Bureau.
    Print HA201(yr.) 1896-2012 Latest Reference. Title discontinued.
    Current demographic, social, political, and economic statistics for the nation drawn from both government and private sources. Includes source references and a comprehensive index. May also be searched in the ProQuest Statistical Insight database.

    • County and City Data Book. 2007. Discontinued. Census Bureau.
      Print: Hodges Stacks Census Collection 4th floor HA202.A36 1949-2007.
      Tables cover population, age, income, education, and housing ownership. Also health care, vital statistics, and social programs. Data for states, counties and placeswith appendices, source notes and maps. Also available at the Geospatial & Statistical Data Center 1944-2000 (University of Virginia).

    • U.S.A. Counties.  Census Bureau.
      This file contains demographic, economic and governmental data for counties published in the last three editions of the County and City Data Book and the State and Metropolitan Area Data Book. Time periods for data items vary; some data provided back to 1960.

    • County and City Extra: Annual Metro, City, and County Data Book. Bernan Press.
      Print only. HA203.C68 1992-2012. Latest edition in Reference 
      Additional and updated data for counties and cities.

    • Places, Towns, TownshipsBernan Press.
      Print only. Stacks HT123.P53 1993-2007. 
      Provides similar data as the County & City Extra but for places, towns and townships.

    • State and Metropolitan Area Data Book. Discontinued. Census Bureau. 
      Print Hodges Stacks Census Collection HA203.S83 1979-2010 
      Presents a variety of data primarily for metropolitan areas and States but also includes data for counties and central cities. Features rankings of states and metro areas by demographic, social and economic characteristics.

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Greg March
Room 152
John C. Hodges Library
1015 Volunteer Blvd
Knoxville, TN 37996