UN Pulse: Connecting to UN Information Online
Offers access to UN actions and major reports. Good resource for newly released information and full text of UN materials.
UNBISnet 1979-
UN Bibliographic Information System indexes United Nations publications and some non-UN publications in its library. Searchable by author, title, subject, and UN number. Provides the most detailed access to the official records. Voting records and speeches included since 1983.
United Nations Official Documents (ODS) 1993-
Contains the official records of United Nations organs. Pre-1993 UN documents added to the system daily. ODS also provides access to the resolutions of the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, and the Trusteeship Council from 1946 onwards. The system does not contain press releases, UN sales publications, the United Nations Treaty Series, or information brochures issued by the Department of Public Information.
PAIS International and PAIS Archive 1915+ UT Libraries database
PAIS covers public affairs, public and social policies, and international relations in books, pamphlets, journal articles, and government publications.