UTCVM Year 1 Students:Problem Based Learning CASE Reources

Effective searching for the best evidence

Evidence Based Medicine How-to Books

Searching Effectively for Evidence - Ann Viera 9/2014

Handouts for the class of 2018 INTRO TO ABLE 9/2014

SOAP How-To (Dr. Lane's Handout)

Subjective facts and findings

Objective facts and findings

Assessment/Clinical Assessment

Plans to Proceed (specific)

2 HOW TO SOAP EXAMPLES: see CANVAS for this case for Dr. Olin's "How to Write a Dynamite SOAP"


Help with accessing electronic books and journals

Attribute to:  Ann Viera

Contact:  agvetlib@utk.edu

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.