UTCVM Year 1 Students:AVMA Comptency 9: Evidence-based Practice

Developing searching and critical appraisal skills for AVMA Competency 9: Evidence-based practice

Searching effectively for and critically appraising evidence applicable to clinical and diagnostic cases are the two core skills to be proficient in AVMA Competency 9.

The purpose of this guide is to assist veterinary students in learning these two skills. 

Two overview articles

ASK: Asking an answerable clinical question

ACQUIRE: where to search for veterinary clinical information

Suggested list of databases / information services to search to acquire evidence to answer clinical questions that arise in practice.


  • Develop a list of databases to search based on your practice focus, access to databases, and experience searching for evidence.
  • If your go-to database has a subscription fee, include that in your employment contract negotiations.
