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A multidisciplinary collection of academic e-books from a wide variety of publishers. Chrome is the preferred browser for this platform.
A collection of e-books covering a wide range of subjects.
Multidisciplinary e-books on the Taylor & Francis platform.
Full-text journals and e-books on the Springer platform.
Search a large index of the world's books. Find millions of great books you can preview or read for free.
A collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.
A collection of English and American poetry, drama and prose. Plus, biographies, bibliographies and key secondary sources.
A multi-disciplinary collection of Oxford ebooks and journals.
Full-text of scholarly journals and books in the humanities and social sciences.
The primary way to find ebooks through the library is to search our catalog using OneSearch.
Once through to the results page, you can limit to ebooks using the options on the left.
From there, all of your results should be ebooks or ebook chapters.
Within OneSearch, it can be difficult to identify an ebook. Each item has a small label just above the title to indicate the type of material it is. For example, here we have both a full ebook and an ebook chapter.
However, sometimes the library has both an ebook and a print copy of a book. In these cases, the item will list both "online access" and a physical location like the "stacks".
Book reviews are often listed under the same title as the book itself. When searching for a particular book, be on the look out for the "review" tag, and be sure the author listed is the author of the book you are hoping to find.