Directory information and data on millions of U.S. businesses and consumers.
Developed at ORNL, LandScan offers the most accurate (one-kilometer resolution over an average 24 hour period) and reliable, geographically based, population distribution model from 2000 to current. This dataset has moved from the East View platform to open access on the ORNL platform.
Easy-to-use online mapping with data on demographics, real estate, heath, jobs and more in communities across the U.S. Use for research, market studies, business planning, grant application, and impact analysis.
Current and historical census data and demographic information. Users can create maps and reports to better illustrate, analyze and understand demography and social change.
Online Access - 5 simultaneous users
Primary sources provided by libraries, archives, museums, and cultural heritage institutions from around the United States.
Digitized versions of Sanborn fire insurance maps for Tennessee from 1867 to 1970. .
A collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.
This multidisciplinary database covers magazines, scholarly journals, and newspapers and is a good place to start for any subject.
Covers publications in agriculture and other related fields from 1970 to present. Also available as a free database from USDA.
Indexes scientific literature in the geosciences, including geology and earth science research publications.
Search millions of bibliographic records from worldwide library collections.
Collection of full-text journals and books in the geological sciences. Includes GeoRef, a geosciences bibliographic database and OpenGeoSci a free, public map-based toolset that allows users to search for cross sections, tables, figures, and data from GeoScienceWorld publications.
Multi-disciplinary authoritative research guides and bibliographies. Browse by subject. A great place to start your research!
A multidisciplinary collection of peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters published by Elsevier.
A multidisciplinary abstract and citation database with enriched data and linked scholarly literature in science, engineering, medicine, social sciences, and some arts & humanities. Coverage is strongest from 1996 to present. Chrome is the preferred browser for this platform.
A multidisciplinary citation index covering journal articles and conference proceedings in sciences, social sciences, and humanities from 1900 to current. Provides cited reference searching and journal impact factors. Also includes access to Essential Science Indicators.
A collection of e-books covering a wide range of subjects.
Multidisciplinary collection of selected scholarly journals, books, images, and primary sources in humanities, social sciences, and sciences.
A multidisciplinary collection of academic e-books from a wide variety of publishers. Chrome is the preferred browser for this platform.
A large collection of social sciences content published by SAGE and CQ Press. Contains e-books, reference materials, videos, and business cases.
Full-text journals and e-books on the Springer platform.
Multidisciplinary e-books on the Taylor & Francis platform.
Collection of full-text and indexing databases covering a variety of academic, business, health, and general interest topics free to Tennessee residents.
The USGS Publications Warehouse is an online catalog for searching all USGS publications and downloading free digital versions. The publications are written by United States Geological Survey scientists plus, history of the bureau.
A geographic encyclopedia. Names, descriptions, and characteristics of thousands of places in the world.