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Assessment Ready Reference


This guide is intended for UTK Library personnel to explore, share, and learn about UTK Libraries gathered statistics and data. This is a companion guide to the Collections Ready Reference. Both guides are maintained by Assessment Programs and Collection Strategy.


A Culture of Assessment

An important goal of the Assessment Programs and Collection Strategy department is to create a culture of assessment throughout the Libraries. The program provides opportunities for all staff to learn what assessment is and how to do it, and provides them with tools and support to do their own assessment projects, large or small, to improve their own efforts and those of their department.

Who We Are

Assessment Programs Librarian, Louis Becker
Louis works on assessment of our Library program as a whole. He often works with individuals at the Knoxville campus level to gather data and provide input. Louis is an advanced PowerBI user and an Excel expert. See the Cyclical Assessment tab for more details on his work.
Assessment Projects Librarian, Lizzie Cope
Lizzie works on assessment projects across the Libraries. Lizzie is a Certified Associate Project Manager and fulfills the role of project manager or project lead for many projects related to spaces, services, collections, and more. Lizzie also offers assessment support and guidance. Contact her for help on your next project!