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Medieval and Renaissance (Special Collections): Science & Technology

This guide contains resources about science, religion, arts, and travel in the Middle Ages.

Rare Books and Primary Sources

16th century: Henrici Cornelii Agrippae ab Nettesheym, De incertitudine & uanitate scientarum declamatio inuectiua (An essay in Latin on several topics.) B781.A3 I53 1539

16th century: A defensative against the poyson of supposed prophecies (Written against astrology.) BF1812.E6 N6 1620

16th century: De miracvlis occvltis natvrae, libri III (Discusses medicine, magic, and the occult.) BF1429 .L4 1604 

17th century: Disqvisitionvm magicarvm libri sex, in tres tomos partiti (In Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, about magic and witchcraft.) BF1600 .D48

Facsimiles and Reproductions

English and Other

 Page with many colorful animals from De Rerum Naturis
Page with many animals from De Rerum Naturis

9th De rerum naturis (Vol 1 is the facsimile, vol 2 is commentary in Italian, vol 3 is some background and commentary in English. This was featured in the 2010-11 Library Development Review, which can be found in Trace.)  Folio: ND3399 .H79 B52 1994

10th Bald’s Leechbook (Herbal prescriptions and spells for practicing medicine.) Oversize: Z115GR .E3 v.5

11th The old English illustrated pharmacopoeia (Includes accurate illustrations of 184 plants and 47 animals.) Oversize: Z115GR .E3 v.27

11th An Eleventh-century Anglo-Saxon illustrated miscellany (Covers topics including computation, astronomy, and geography, and includes 176 pages of plates.) Oversize: Z115GR .E3 v.21

13th Facsimile of the sketch-book of Wilars de Honecort, an architect of the thirteenth century (Includes architectural plans and sketches of decorative elements.) NA1053.V6 A3

15th The Madrid codices (Da Vinci's notebooks, with commentary.) Z6616.L58 R47 1974

16th The Badianus manuscript (Codex Barberini, Latin 241) RS169 .C7 1552a

17th Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris (Layouts and plant choices for several types of gardens.) Oversize: SB97 .P38 1904


6th-20th Les abbayes de France au Moyen age et en 1947 (photographs of interiors and exteriors, as well as a few plans and frescoes, as they looked in 1947.) NA5543 .A33 1947

16th Oeuvres (Detailed sketches of internal organs, tools, animals, monsters, etc. by Ambroise Pare.) R128.6 .P35 1962

16th L’oeuvre de Philibert de L’Orme (Sketches of architectural details, schemata, and measurements.) Oversize: NA2517 .D4

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