What is content markup? Unless you edit your LibGuides with an HTML Editor, you may not have to concern yourself too much with using and labeling content elements, which is basically the underlying meaning of content markup. For instance, if we dissect a basic LibGuide page, we will find links (marked with an <a> tag), headers (marked with an <h> tag), and paragraphs (marked with a <p> tag). While you may never have to actually use these tags, it's important to note how the elements you add using the Rick text Editor (the default option when you choose to edit text in a LibGuide) affect the navigation and usability of a page. One of the easiest and most important ways content can be organized to meet accessibility guidelines is by using proper heading formats.
Headings, and behind the scenes header tags (<h1>,<h2>,<h3>,etc.), "communicate the organization of the content on the page. Web browsers, plug-ins, and assistive technologies can use them to provide in-page navigation." [1] Most text editors allow users to highlight text and change the font from "normal" or "paragraph", to some variation of Heading 2 through Heading 6. (Most text editors hide the Header 1 option because it is reserved for page titles. Some, like the one used in LibGuides, also hide Header 2 because they are used in page-wide navigation.)
Headings are nested by their rankings - Heading 1 (<h1>) is the highest rank and Heading 6 (<h6>) is the lowest. Heading 1 would be the title of the page, Heading 2 would be topics, Heading 3 would be subtopics, etc. This nested structuring assists screen readers to navigate the page.
This section may or may not immediately seem useful to you depending on whether or not you use HTML or a basic Text Editor to create your LibGuides. However, a basic knowledge of the differences between these elements will help you understand how screen readers process the information you include. So, what's the difference?
Visually, there is no difference between bold and strong tags, but semantically there is a difference. The bold tag (<b>) is purely a visual element and conveys the text without "any extra emphasis or importance." Whereas the strong tag (<strong>) "represents a span of text with strong importance." [5]
Similarly, the italics tag (<i>) and the emphasis tag (<em>) are visually identical. The italic tag is a visual element for "text conventionally styled in italics." The emphasis tag "represents a span of text with emphatic stress." [5]
Although there is a separate tab devoted to choosing and using colors, it is important to note that color alone should not be used to delineate or emphasize text on a web page. For instance, changing the color of a text to stand out does not qualify that text to be a header. Instead, you would use a header tag (<h#>) so that a screen reader will properly interpret the text as a header.