The Historical Statistics of the United States by Richard Sutch (Editor); Susan B. Carter (Editor); Scott Sigmund Gartner (Editor); Michael R. Haines (Editor); Alan L. Olmstead (Editor); Gavin Wright (Editor)ISBN: 0521817919
Publication Date: 2006-01-30
Long the standard source for quantitative indicators of American history, a new edition of Historical Statistics of the United States is something that reference librarians, historians, and social scientists have long awaited. Not since the Bicentennial Edition was published in 1975 has new data and material been available. Utilizing information from the 2000 Census, this essential reference has been updated for the new millennium providing rich materials for both contemporary and historical researchers. This is a monumental work of collaborative scholarship providing a comprehensive compendium of statistics from over 1,000 sources recording every aspect of the history of the United States from population to prices; from voting patterns to Vietnam veterans; from energy to education; from abortions to zinc and everything in between. Over 80 scholars have contributed their efforts and expertise to select, assemble, and document the data, to write the introductory essays, and to analyze the material.