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Streaming Guide: Films On Demand Playlist

This guide will provide information about and resources for streamed video at Hodges Library

Films on Demand (FOD) Creating Playlist Instructons

  1. You need open Films on Demand and need to create a user account.  Click on the person icon in the upper right corner and follow instructions to create your account, there is no charge.
  2. Then after you are logged in go to main page (you may have to restart the database to log in)
  3. Then, once you are logged in,  search through the videos, look around, and find one of the videos you want and open it.
  4. If you find a video you like, open it and you will see and “add to +” button below the viewer window (between “Share” and “Cite”), click that for the video
  5. Then select “Playlist”
  6. Then select either the “Add Full Title”, or “Add Full Segments”, or choose a segment (not all videos have segments) depending on how much of it you want to add.
  7. Then select “create a new playlist” OR “add it to an existing playlist”
  8. Then select the “Save” tab in the bottom right
  9. Find other videos or segments and repeat the process until your playlist is complete

 So basically once you create a playlist you will then be adding to that same playlist but you can always create new ones.

  • To see you playlist, click on your account (in upper right) and select “My Content”, then select your playlist to open it.
  • To get your playlist's URL, you will then have a “Share” link on the bottom left, click that and then select “Embed/Link Playlist”

  • Copy the “Record URL Link” this is your playlist's URL link to use

   Note: do not use the “Embed Code”, it has not worked well in our CANVAS.