TRACE is UT's institutional open-access repository. It is a publicly accessible archive of research and creative work done by the UT research community.
Once you've created your account,
Before you get started: If you are updating a pre-print with a later version of a manuscript, this is not a revision situation. Each version should be a separate entry in TRACE. You can provide links to each version in the "Comments" field to associate the versions with one another. If you have questions about versions, reach out to for guidance.
1. CHECK COPYRIGHT: What are the publisher's terms for open archiving? Use the Open Policy Finder (formerly SHERPA/RoMEO) and search by journal title. Each journal lists its conditions for open archiving based on the article version, such as "published version," "submitted version," or "accepted version."
2. CHOOSE ARTICLE VERSION: What version of the article can you add to TRACE? Most publishers allow you to deposit the post-print of your peer-reviewed article. If you're unsure of the terminology, this chart (a PDF, see preview below) lists the differences between the pre-print, post-print, and publisher's version of an article.
3. READ THE CONDITIONS: Review the other icons in the Open Policy Finder for the article version you wish to share. The hourglass icon indicates whether an embargo must be placed on the article (see picture below). If the journal in which you were published is published by Elsevier, you will need to check this list for specific embargo periods. TRACE allows you to add an item now, place an embargo, and specify the date on which the embargo should be lifted. You will specify the release date when you upload to TRACE.
If you wish to learn more about Creative Commons licenses, visit (not required for TRACE submission).
4. UPLOAD: When you're ready, upload your work to TRACE. Locate the appropriate collection on the "Submit Your Work" page. Then complete the brief submission form. Best practices include providing both the:
5. UNDERSTAND AVAILABILITY: Works submitted to TRACE will be reviewed and posted within 7-10 business days, and often sooner. If an embargo is in place, the record will be visible but your file will not be available to the public until the end of the embargo period. TRACE will automatically lift the embargo on the date you specify -- you do not need to login to release it.
For assistance with any of these steps, contact Additionally, if you would like to add multiple publications, email a list of your publications to Library staff are available to assist.
Authors who deposit material in TRACE agree to the following:
"I hold the copyright to this document, or have been authorized by the copyright holder(s) to upload it for distribution, and agree to permit this document to be posted in TRACE, and made available to the public in any format in perpetuity.
"To the best of my knowledge, I warrant that the posting of the work does not infringe any copyright, nor violate any proprietary rights, nor contains any libelous matter, nor invade the privacy of any person or third party, nor otherwise violate TRACE policies."