Provides indexing and abstracts of international psychological literature from the 1800s to present.
Essential database for biomedicine. Includes citations from MEDLINE and for biomedical articles in life science journals. A product of the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
A comprehensive database for the literature of nursing and of allied health.
A comprehensive biomedical research database with a broad biomedical scope, with in-depth coverage of pharmacology, pharmaceutical science, and clinical research. Basic biomedical science, veterinary science and extensive allied health topics are also included.
A multidisciplinary abstract and citation database with enriched data and linked scholarly literature in science, engineering, medicine, social sciences, and some arts & humanities. Coverage is strongest from 1996 to present. Chrome is the preferred browser for this platform.
A multidisciplinary citation index covering journal articles and conference proceedings in sciences, social sciences, and humanities from 1900 to current. Provides cited reference searching and journal impact factors. Also includes access to Essential Science Indicators.
Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is composed of a number of specialized research networks in the social sciences. Topics covered by networks include accounting, economics, financial economics, legal scholarship, and management (including negotiation and marketing). The SSRN eLibrary consists of abstracts of scholarly working papers and forthcoming papers and an electronic paper collection of downloadable full text documents in pdf format
Abstracting and indexing of articles and book reviews covering the international literature of sociology, social work, and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences from 1952 to present.
A multidisciplinary collection of peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters published by Elsevier.
This multidisciplinary database covers magazines, scholarly journals, and newspapers and is a good place to start for any subject.
Includes indexed and some full-text education literature and resources. Coverage from 1966 to present.
Provides indexing, abstracts, and some Full-Text of articles in all areas of education. Complements the ERIC database with a broad coverage of topics related to education.
Full-text newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic and minority press of the United States.
The National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Virtual Library hosts a collection of over 235,000 information resources on criminal justice subjects, including corrections, courts, drugs, law enforcement, juvenile justice, victims of crime, and related topics. The Virtual Library provides access to all known Office of Justice Programs (OJP) works and sponsored research, as well as to thousands of government products, research reports, journal articles, and published and unpublished literature produced through 2014.
Click here for their publication list.
Provides in-depth A&I coverage from the environmental science literature and related disciplines from 1960 to current.
A bibliographic database for women’s studies and feminist research. Coverage from 1881 to current.
Dissertations and theses in all disciplines from around the world, many with full-text.
The digitized collection of dissertations and theses completed at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Provides legal news, business, and cases and codes, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions. Also includes legal research sources and business information for US and international companies.
Covers public affairs, public and social policies, and international relations, and includes journal articles, books, government documents, reports, and more.
Assists in the identification of measurement and evaluation instruments (questionnaires, checklists, tests, for example) found in the health and psychosocial literature. Content from 1985 to current.
Online Access - 5 simultaneous users
Full-text information about and reviews of all English-language standardized tests covering educational skills, personality, vocational aptitude, psychology, and related areas.
Online Access - 4 simultaneous users