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Equipment Checkout in the Commons South: Home

Policies, procedures, and item availability for Hodges Library Equipment Checkout

General Information

The Hodges Library Equipment Desk is located on the second floor in the Commons South. Popular items include loaner laptops, headphones, and digital cameras.  This guide contains a complete listing as well as information on loan periods and policies.

Please Note:

  • All equipment is provided as a shared resource for the support of academic endeavors.
  • Loan periods are limited with the idea of increasing availability for the students as well as the staff and faculty of The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
  • Equipment is only available to individuals from the Knoxville campus with a status of “Active” in the UT Directory: (

Bring your VolCard to the Equipment Desk in the Commons South at Hodges Library to check out equipment.

On the Agriculture Campus?  Learn about technology resources at Pendergrass Library:

Fines & Policies

Please note, all items have a limited borrowing period so they may be available to other students. Failure to return equipment in a timely manner may result in suspension of borrowing privileges.


  • Patrons may borrow only one of each item (one camera, one laptop, etc.) at a time.
  • Equipment is first-come, first-serve and cannot be reserved ahead of time.


  • All 6-hour equipment, all 1-day equipment and some 3-day equipment accrues late fees at a rate of $0.25 per hour.
  • Exceptions are cameras, audio recorders, and light kits, which have a $20 late fee.


  • During busy periods in the fall and spring semesters, there are no renewals on 3-day equipment.
    • Upon return, an item of the same type may not be checked out until the next day. A different item may be borrowed (i.e. turn in a Camcorder, check out an SLR)
  • 6-hour equipment may be renewed as long as there is at least one other item of the same type. Patrons must bring both their Volcard and item(s) they wish to renew.