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Finding Social Science Data for Research

Selected data resources categorized by academic discipline

National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)

NCHS is one of the leading providers of health care statistics and data. NCHS provides public access to both administrative data (birth and death records) and to a wide range of health survey data (National Health Interview Survey, National Survey of Family Growth, National Nursing Home Survey, Longitudinal Study on Aging, etc.)

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Provides access to two main data sources:

Medical Expenditure Panel Survey - MEPS is designed to provide data on the cost and utilization of healthcare, as well as data on health insurance.

Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project - HCUP provides data on hospital usage and outcomes.

Centers for Disease Control

Search for Data & Statistics within the 'More CDC Topics' category (located in the top right portion of the main CDC page).