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Data and Digital Scholarship Services

Share Your Data with Dryad

Ready to share your data? Deposit your data in Dryad using

UT Libraries' Data Archiving and Sharing Support Fund!

UT Libraries are encouraging all researchers (students, staff, and faculty) to share their research using Dryad. You can learn more about dataset requirements and how to apply for funds to cover the deposit fee at this link.

Not sure if you're ready to deposit your data or have questions about Dryad? Please reach out to our Data and Digital Scholarship team and we can help you get started!

Store and Share Your Data with UT-StorR

UT-StorR is an archival storage system for the long term storage of research data and data collections intended for use by researchers using the ISAAC HPC cluster resources and for use by the Core Facilities of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. UT-StorR is intended to store files from one gigabyte to sixteen terabytes in size for performance and efficiency reasons.

UT-StorR is intended to help researchers at UTK (students, faculty, and staff) dealing with large quantities of data and data that may not be able to be shared openly.

You can learn more about UT-StorR and reach out to OIT with any questions at this link:


Best Practices for Data Sharing - FAIR and CARE Principles

FAIR Data Principles

The FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) Data Principles are a set of guidelines that were created to address the need of researchers to make their data available for use. The principles were developed in 2016 in the face of growing issues related to reproducibility, duplicate scholarly efforts, and data loss and invisibility. Data is considered to be “FAIR data” if it meets a set of criteria created to ensure data and its documentation are optimized to provide the greatest benefit they can. These requirements include providing rich, robust metadata, assigning the data a persistent identifier, and utilizing standard procedures, formats, and vocabularies, amongst other things.

By making their data FAIR, researchers can increase the number of other scholars who are able to find and utilize their work which can lead to an increased research impact both for themselves and their scholarship. FAIR data also benefits the researcher’s entire field or subject area by improving research reproducibility and maximizing the benefits of funding.

Wilkinson, M. D. et al. The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. Sci. Data 3:160018 doi: 10.1038/sdata.2016.18 (2016).

Persistent Identifiers

Uniquely differentiating yourself and your research can increase the discoverability of your research and boost your scholarly impact. Researchers are encouraged to obtain a digital object identifier (doi) for their publications and datasets to encourage proper attribution of materials.

Additionally, researchers can give themselves a unique identification number by signing up for an ORCiD. These identifiers work to differentiate researchers from those at similar institutions or with similar names while also connecting researchers and their scholarly work with their certifications, education, and work experiences to help cement them as an authoritative source in their field. 

For researchers whose field work necessitates the collection of physical samples, an International Generic Sample Number (IGSN) can be obtained and used to improve sample management and re-use.

To obtain a doi, you must use a service offered by a doi Registration Agency (RA). RAs collect metadata, assign doi names, and offer other services such as reference linking or metadata lookup, and a list of existing RAs can be found here.

If you are publishing in UTK's open-access V.O.L. Journals, and want to obtain a doi for your new journal, contact for assistance.