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Nursing 483S: Clinical Immersion V - Population Health

This guide provides supporting resources for N483S and N482S-Population Health.

Image Resources

The resources listed below were created by Margaret Casado.  For a full list of image resources, please see her Image Reserach Guide.

Citing Images

When using images in your presentation, remember to cite or provide attribution to the images.  Here are some resources to help get you started:
Citing Images
This is from the University of California Irvine's Visual Literacy Guide.  It includes best practices and guidelines for citing images.

Citation Examples
The University of Cincinatti provides good examples of image citations and other information related to using images.


Adding Narration

IF Skills Tutorial
IF Skills provides videos on how to create powerpoint presentations.  This video focuses on how to add narration to your powerpoint.

How to Record Narration for PowerPoint for Dummies
The "for Dummies" series provides a video tutorial for how to record your narration in PowerPoint.

Studio Resources
The Studio at Hodges Library can provide you with the tools you need to create your narration.  You may reserve a sound room with a USB microphone to record in or reserve a digital audio recorder to record your narration at home.