Print KFT35.A2. Stacks 1975-2004
DocMic CD-ROM 2004-
Contains administrative regulations and rules of state agencies.
Public Chapters/Session Laws
Session Laws are statutes published in their chronological format.
Public & Private Acts and Resolutions of the State of Tennessee
Online from the 100th General Assembly (1997/98) to the current.
Online in Hein Online from the 96th General Assembly, 1990-current.
Print KFT25.A2 Stacks, 1901- current; Special Collections, 1801-current; Microfilm, 1796-1849, 1903, 1931.
Published in annual compilations after the close of the session. Public acts are applicable to all jurisdictions. Private acts generally have local application only. Arranged chronologically by chapter number with a subject index in each volume.
Annotated Versions of laws pertaining to various subject areas, e.g.Tennessee Workers' Compensation Laws Annotated, are sold by Lexis Law Publishing. The University Libraries no longer keeps print copies.
To read or print a section from the unannotated law books, go to, and select Tennessee as the jurisdiction. The Tennessee Code will be shown. If you know the title and chapter for the laws you want, click the + sign to open the titles, then select the title for the law. e.g. For the workers’ compensation law go to Title 50, then Chapter 6.
If the Code or Title is not known, then search by keyword or title.