Committee Hearings provide information regarding the public sentiment for proposed laws. It must be noted that few committees hold hearings and transcripts of public hearings are not often published. Researchers may consider using newspaper accounts of public sentiments expressed about proposed legislation as an alternative.
To find what exists, check the following:
Since 1974 committee hearings have been audiotaped. Contact the State Library and Archives, Legislative History Office at 615-741-1549 for availability.
Beginning in 2009 videos of committee meetings are available online.
Reports from committees of the Tennessee General Assembly are a great source of legislative intent as they provide the Committee's recommendations on the passage of a bill, but they are not readily available.
For availability: Contact the Committee Chair, or check for official copies filed with the State Library and Archives.
Contact the Legislator or Committee Chair responsible for the bill (if within three years of its introduction) to request background information and copies of related publications.