From tutorial above: RCVS Ask an Answerable Clinical Question
For expert search assistance, please the international directory of veterinary librarians to contact a veterinary librarian.
He or she can help you with a search of CAB ABSTRACTS (also called VetMed Resource) for example.
Erik's recommended databases 2015: Pubmed, VetSRev, VetMedResource, Google Scholar
More recommended databases: more information in the boxes below.
1. Point of care clinical information services recommended by your veterinary librarian:
2. PubMed--the premier biomedical database from the National Library of Medicine, indexes around 100 veterinary journals
3. VetSRev, RCVS Knowledge Summaries (systematic reviews, and Knowledge Summaries)
4. VetMed Resource (also called CAB ABSTRACTS): comprehensive search, fee to search it yourself, or contact your veterinary librarian.
5. BestBetsforVets (U. Nottingham), and/or depending on species Consultant from Cornell (Dr. Pete White) make sure nothing on your topic before Google Scholar search -- higher levels of evidence/quality filtering
6. Google Scholar (catch-all search articles and conference proceedings and cited reference searching on articles already identified)
VIN, IVIS (for conference proceedings, some journal articles)
What is IVIS? - IVIS is an on-line publisher of veterinary books and proceedings. The IVIS website currently includes 1,673+ book chapters and proceeding articles.
Veterinary Information Network--about $700/year and free to students with discounts for recent grads. VIN provides other resources for a community of 45,000: message boards, consultants, a bookstore, CE, client handouts and more. A related free service from VIN Is VSPN, the Veterinary Support Personnel Network, for technicians and practice managers. See flyer below.
The flyer below describes the VIN expert opinion textbook VINCyclopedia, formerly VIN Associate.
PubMed is optimized for novice searchers.
Take the Tutorial: PubMed for Veterinarians from TAMU
Free to access from U. Nottingham or RCVS