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Geography: Databases

Geography Databases

- Geography 

Columbia Gazetteer of the World Online   About Columbia Gazetteer of the World Online  UTK Users (w/NetID)
A database of names, descriptions, and characteristics of over 165,000 places in the world.

Digital Sanborn Maps 1867-1970   About Digital Sanborn Maps  UTK Users (w/NetID)
Digitized versions of Sanborn fire insurance maps for cities and towns in Tennessee.

GeoRef 1669+   About GeoRef  UTK Users (w/NetID)
Indexes geology and earth science research publications.

SimplyMap   About SimplyMap  UTK Users (w/NetID)
SimplyMap is a database with web-based mapping application that lets users create professional-quality thematic maps and reports using demographic, business, and marketing data. Use the Guest Login if you do not have an account. Limited to 3 simultaneous users.

Social Explorer   About Social Explorer  UTK Users (w/NetID)
Social Explorer provides quick and easy access to current and historical census data and demographic information. Users can create maps and reports to better illustrate, analyze and understand demography and social change. For information about the new beta-site, go to

Limited to 5 simultaneous users. When you are finished please click Sign-Out.

Web of Science 1900+   About Web of Science  UTK Users (w/NetID)
Citation index for sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Includes Conference Proceedings Citation Index and Book Citation Index. Journals indexed in Web of Science.
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also see:

National Geographic Magazine Archive 1888-present   About National Geographic Magazine Archive  UTK Users (w/NetID)
A complete archive from 1888 to the present that includes every page and every photograph. Click End Session when finished.

Population Index 1986-2000   About Population Index  All Users
Primary index to the world's population and demography literature, covering books, journal articles, working papers, and other materials.

Sustainability Science Abstracts 1985+   About Sustainability Science Abstracts  UTK Users (w/NetID)
Explores sustainable development, population and demography, and societal issues involving natural resource management.