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Scholarly Publishing Toolkit

Scholarly communication support for authors and researchers, with information on Open Access and evaluating publishers.

To get started with ORCID or to optimize your ORCID page, go to the ORCID Welcome page or click the image of the ORCID page below.

An ORCID iD is a persistent digital identifier that helps researchers distinguish themselves from other researchers and develop a record of research contributions and affiliations. An ORCID iD does meet the requirement of some funders to provide researcher identifiers and all UTK researchers are encouraged to develop an ORCID iD and profile.

Start here to create your account

Infographic: "The Value of Using Unique Identifiers for Researchers"


ORCID ID =  DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for a person, not a research profile product.

  • An ORCID ("OR-Kid") is a 16-digit number assigned when you register at, an international, open, not-for-profit organization. 
  • After registering, use Wizards to quickly import your work. ORCID is free and available to any researcher in any phase of their career
  • The ORCID initiative solves the researcher name ambiguity problem by creating persistent unique identifiers and linking mechanisms between different identification schemes and research objects such as books, articles, posters, data sets, and more.
  • To create an ORCID page or optimize your ORCID page go to

Examples of ORCID in Action

ORCID is analogous to a DOI for authors (article : DOI :: author : ORCID) and is designed for interoperability across many systems, regardless of discipline. For example:

Funders and publishers are building integrations using the ORCID API. Learn who is involved on the members page

Among the many ORCID members are the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the British Library, CERN, the Modern Language Association, publishers such as Elsevier, Wiley, and PLOS, and a growing number of universities.

What Happens After I Register for an ORCID iD? 

After you have your unique iD, you can add your educational history and institutional affiliations. Then:

  • Let ORCID help populate your list of publications and grant awards: Use the Crossref and DataCite Search and Link wizards to build your bibliography.
  • You may also enable the Crossref Auto-Update so that when your publication gets a DOI, your ORCID record will get updated automatically. This is a key reason so many institutions support ORCID -- it simplifies workflows by allowing different publication and research systems to talk to one another directly.

ORCID also has six suggestions on how to get the most from your ORCID iD. Learn more via this SlideShare from the Libraries:

Why the Libraries Recommend ORCID

Librarians recommend that all researchers register for an ORCID iD. (Registration is free and takes about 30 seconds.) Reasons to consider registering for an ORCID iD include:

  • Many authors find that ORCID’s CrossRef search and other link tools will find most of their publications for them, allowing them to create and update their publications profile with minimal input.
  • ORCID iDs are being incorporated into workflows at the following organizations: Elsevier (Scopus), Wiley, Thomson Reuters (Web of Science), the Modern Language Association, FDA and NIH, the Wellcome Trust, and many universities.
  • Some publishers now require that authors have an ORCID iD. Why not use the profile system that’s included as part of the free registration?

Ultimately, establishing an ORCID identifier now will save researchers a great amount of time in the future because ORCID is designed to work across platforms. Here is an example of how an author might benefit: An author (or a publisher) posts a publication with the author’s ORCID iD. Then, an automated update is pushed to a funder’s report as well as the author’s institution without the author’s intervention. While this automation isn’t possible in all current workflows, authors will see these changes being incorporated into many publishers’ and institutions’ processes in the near future.

ORCID in Wikipedia, Wikispecies, Wikidata

UTK researchers who have added ORCID to their workflows

Free to Reuse with Credit

Free to Reuse with Credit

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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You are free to reuse original material on this guide if you credit Rachel Caldwell and University of Tennessee Libraries; however, much of the information on this page comes from other sources. Check the permissions you need to reuse any material that comes from other sources.


The author of this page in not a lawyer and the information provided does not constitute legal advice.


This guide is built from the UT Veterinary Medicine librarian's page on ORCID.