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Medieval Facsimiles in Special Collections: Facsimiles in Special Collections

This guide identified medieval manuscripts and facsimiles in Special Collections.

Chronological List of Manuscripts and Facsimiles

*Some of these items contain hyperlinks to Facsimile Finder, a source for many of our copies. Others are hyperlinked to our own catalog record in OneSearch.*

Pre-12th Century

Beato de Turín   Folio ND3361 .R5 B43 2000  (Turin Ms.J.II.I (previously Lat.93))

Codex Vindobonensis  Folio R126 .D5 1965  (Med. Gr. 1 der Oesterreichischen Nationalbibliothek)   photograph of the cover and binding of the Historia Langobardorum which features a wooden cover and exposed binding.

Das Buch von Lindisfarne  Folio ND3359.L5 B83 2002 (London, British Library, Cotton Ms. Nero D. iv)

De Rerum Naturis  Folio ND3399 .H79 B52 1994 (Casin. 132, secolo XI)

Der Stuttgarter Bilderpsalter   ND 3357 .S7 A32 1968    (Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Bibl. Fol. 23)

Der Uta-Codex  Oversize ND3359.U82 P43 2012  (Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek, Clm 13601)

Die Bamberger Apokalypse  Folio ND3361 .R5 F3   (Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Ms.Bibl.140)              

Godescalc Evangelistary   ND3359 .G55 2015   (Bibliothèque nationale de France ms. Nouv. acq. lat. 1203)

Historia Langobardorum   DG511 .P4 2015   (Cividale del Friuli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Cividale del Friuli, Cod. XXVIII)

Reichenauer Perikopenbuch   Folio ND3359 .R45 C38 2009 (Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek  ms. Cod. Guelf. 84.5 Aug. 2°)

Sakramentar von Beauvais    BX2037 .A3 B482 2011   (Los Angeles,  J. Paul Getty Museum, Ms. Ludwig V 1 das Sakramentar von Beauvais)

The Book of Kells   Oversize ND3359.B7 S8   (Dublin, Trinity College Library, Ms. A. 1. 6 (58)

The Book of Kells  Oversize ND3359.B7 B65  (Dublin, Trinity College Library, Ms. A. 1. 6 (58))

The Stuttgart Psalter  BS1425 .L3 1930   (Stuttgart, Wuerttembergische Landesbibliothek,  Biblia folio 23)

Vergilius Augusteus Folio PA6804 .A7 1976 (Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Cod. Lat. fol. 416)


12th and 13 Centuries

Cantigas de Santa Maria  Folio ML 96.5 .A54 C3 1989  (Florencia, Biblioteca Nazionale B.R.20)

De virginitate Beatae Mariae  Folio ND3385 .I44 2010  (Parma, Biblioteca Palatina, MS Parm. 1650)

Douce Apocalypse    BS2825 .B59 1981  (Oxford, Bodleian Library,  Douce 180)  scan of the ildefonsus and purple page from De Virginitate Beatae maria, which features building structures, full figured men, and illustrations

Facsimile of the sketch-book of Wilars de Honecort, an architect of the thirteenth century   NA1053.V6 A3   (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de Francce, MS Fr 19093 )

Great Domesday  Oversize DA190 .D5 1986  (London, National Archives) 

L'Epistolario Miniato di Giovanni da Gaibana  BX2003.A5I7 1968   (Padua, Biblioteca capitolare di Padova. Epistolarium a. 1259)

Lamberti S. Audomari Canonici Liber Floridus  Folio AE2 .L36 1968  (Wolfenbuttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. Gud. lat. 1.2°)

Preghiera alla Vergine   Z105.5 B53 2006   (Verona, Biblioteca Civica, Ms 1853)

Tale of Genji Scroll   Folio ND1059.6.G4 G413  (fragments from four different sources)

The Lambeth Apocalypse  Folio BS2822.5.L35 M67 1990 (London, Lambeth Palace, Library of the Archbishop of Canterbury, MS 209)

The Trinity College Apocalypse  Oversize ND3361.R5 B5 1967  (Cambridge, Trinity College Library, Ms R. 16.2) 

The Ferrell-Vogüé Machaut manuscript Folio M3 .G9 2014 (Cambridge United Kingdom, Parker Library in the Corpus Christi College, MS Ferrell-Vogüé)

The Rule of St. Benedict Oversize Z115GR .E3 v.15 (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Hatton 48)


14th and 15th Centuries

A book of hours for Engelbert of Nassau   ND3174.M3 A65 1970   (Oxford, Bodleian Library,  MS. Douce 219-220)

Auchinleck Manuscript   Oversize PR 1203 .A9 1977  (Edinburgh, Nat'l Lib. Scotland, Advocates MS. 19.2.1.)  

Biblia pauperum ; Apocalypsis   Folio BT225 .B5 1977 (Fol. max. 4 in Zentralbibliothek der Deutschen Klassik, Weimar)

Book Altar of Philip the Good  ND3380 .B82 1991  (Vienna, Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. 1800)   photograph of a page and accompanying commentary from Les Belles Heures

Chronicle of the World 1493   D11 .S26 2013   (facsimile of a printed book, The Nuremberg Chronicle)

Das Stundenbuch des Etienne Chevalier Folio ND3363 .C55 F6 2016 (Chantilly, Musee Conde, and seven others)

Der Peterborough-Psalter  ND3357 .P53 2015 v.1&2 (Brüssel, Bibliothèque royale de Belgique  Ms. 9961-62)

Die minnesinger in bildern der Manessischen handschrift   ND3399.H4 M35    (Heidelberg, Manesse ms)

Handzeichnungen deutscher Meister des XV. und XVI. Jahrhunderts   Folio NC249 .M4  Unbound illustrations, in color, from German artists of the 15th and 16th centuries

Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux  ND3363 .J42 P8 2000  (New York, The Cloisters Museum and Gardens, Acc. No. 54.1.2)

King René's book of love = le cueur d'amours expris   ND3399.R4 U58  (Vienna: Cod. Vind.2597)

L'apocalypse (Apocalypsis 1313)   Folio BS2824 .F7 C43 2006  (Fr. 13096)

La divina commedia di Dante Alighieri  PQ4301 .A1 2013  (Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale MS Palatino 313)

La Divina commedia. Facsimile del codice Landiano   Folio Z115Z.D2 L3  (Biblioteca communale di Piacenza, codex Landianus a MCCCXXXI)   full color photograph of a plate from from Minnesänger showing a chess game between a man and woman, with musicians below.

Les belles heures du Duc de Berry   ND3363 .B5 1959 & ND3363 .B5 1974  (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Cloisters Collection, 54.1.1a, b) [note: 1974 has more plates than 1959]

Les Très riches heures du Duc de Berry   ND3363.B5 T713 1969   (Chantilly, Musée Condé Ms. 65) 

Libro de buen amor   PQ6430 .A1 1975   (Salamanca, Ms. 2.663)

Manuscript Tanner 346   PR1203 .B58 1980   (Oxford, Bodleian, Tanner 346)

Mappamondo di Fra Mauro  Folio G3200 1450 .M38 2016 (Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana)

Martin Behaim, his life and his globe  Oversize G69 .B4 R3 (Germanisches National Museum, Nurnberg)

Minnesänger; Achtzehn farbige Wiedergaben aus der Manessischen Liederhandschrift  Oversize ND3399.H4 M3 1953  (Heidelberg's Manesse mss) 

Petrarca Queriniano  PQ4476 .A1 2016 vol.1 (Brescia, Biblioteca Queriniana, INC. G V 15)

Processus contra Templarios   Folio KJV131.T46 P76 2007  

Queen Mary’s Psalter; miniatures and drawings by an English artist of the 14th century   ND3357.Q8 W3   (London, BL MS Royal 2B.vii)

Secretum Templi   Folio CR4755 .F7 S43 2005  (MS. H111 Dijon [and others])   close up of a s seal and purple page from the Secretum Templi

Secretum Templi-II : proceso contra los Templarios en España  Folio CR4755 .S7 S43 2013  (collected items, many shelf marks)

Sketch Book of Giovannino de’ Grassi  NC1055 .G68 A57 1998  (Bergamo, Biblioteca Civica Angelo Mai, Ms. VII. 14)

The chronicler of European chivalry   ND3399.F7C6   (London, British Museum, Harley 4379 and 4380)

The Cloisters Apocalypse   BS 2822.5 .C58 D48   (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Cloisters Collection, 68.174)

The Grandes heures of Jean, Duke of Berry   Oversize ND3363.B5 G714 1971  (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, ms. lat. 919)  Commentary in French.

The Grandes heures of Jean, Duke of Berry  Oversize ND3363.B5 G713 1971  (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, ms. lat. 919)  Commentary in English.

The Luttrell psalter : a facsimile   ND3357 .L8 L86 2006   (London, BL Addl. 42130)   photograph of a page from the Lettrell Psalter with illustrations surrounding and between lines of text.

The Madresfield Hours   ND3363.M3B3   (Madresfield Court, Earl Beauchamp, MS M)

The Madrid codices   Z6616.L58 R47 1974   (Madrid, Biblioteca National, MS.8936 and MS.8937)

The Vernon manuscript   Folio PR1120 .V47 1987  (Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Eng. poet. a. 1)

Troilus and Criseyde  Oversize PR1895 .A2 1978  (Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 61 )

Woodcuts of the fifteenth century in the John Rylands Library, Manchester   Oversize NE1022.G7 M3 1915  (from several books)

Codex Rotundus Folio ND3363 .R68 2012 (Hildesheim, Dombibliothek Hildesheim, Hs 728)

Torriani Book of Hours Folio ND3160 .T7 L53 2009 (Chantilly, France, Bibliothèque du Château, Ms. 83)

Chansonnier de Jean de Montchenu Folio M2 .C428C4 2007 (Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Rothschild 2973) 

El Decamerón Folio PQ4272 .F5 A36 2009 (Paris, Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, Ms 5070)


16th Century

Book of Drolleries – The Croy Hours  ND3363 .C76 1993 vol.1 (Vienna, Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. 1858)

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