Here are some good places to begin looking for sources related to business and professional communication. You can also check out the Communication Studies guide or the Business: First and Second Year Resources guide for more suggestions.
This multidisciplinary database covers magazines, scholarly journals, and newspapers and is a good place to start for any subject.
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A scholarly business database providing bibliographic and full-text content covering all disciplines of business.
Please see this FAQ for extra instructions about accessing EBSCOhost databases or ebooks via screen reader or keyboard navigation. For more help, please contact
A collection of thousands of full-text magazines and newspapers plus corporate and stock market data.
A platform that enables the reader to compare how a story is being covered by thousands of sources from across the political spectrum and from around the world.
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Offers current Industry Reports and Risk Reports with market trends, statistics and analysis on market size, market share of competitors, industry growth rates, and more.
A current summary of statistics on the social, political and economic conditions of the United States.
Unlimited access to the New York Times database and issues from 1851 to Current. First time users must create an account using their UT email address see Create Account page.
If you created an account during the trial or accessed formerly from the UT Law Library, you will need to re-authenticate by visiting the Create Account page.
Tip: when searching for our institution, you can either type in the full name The University of Tennessee or just Tennessee.
Once registered, you will have 4 years of full account access, after you must re-authenticate by visiting the Create Account page. Students will have access until 12/31 of the graduation year they choose within this 4 year period.
If the content of a New York Times article is inaccessible to you, please contact for assistance.
Content includes:
• News
• Games
• Cooking
• The Athletic
• Wirecutter
Coverage from 2008 to recent with a 3-month embargo. Digitized with full article images.
Unlimited access to, WSJ mobile apps, and personalized content. First time users need to create an account using their UT email address. Coverage begins with December 31, 1997 and continues.