Both annual shareholder reports, 10K's and other SEC filings for the current and for prior years are available via the databases below. In addition, annual shareholder reports for the current year can usually be found on a company's web site. Current SEC financial disclosure filings, such as the annual 10K report, may also be available on the company web site.
From the SEC official web site, contains a full collection all SEC filings from 1995 forward.
Nearly all startups and investment firms file Form Ds with the SEC when they raise money. A Form D filing contains:
*Amount of money raised
*Equity or debt issuance
*Industry category
*Names of the executives and directors
*Addresses for the company, executives, and directors
*Other information - brokers used, commission paid
For U.S. and international corporations, has downloadable annual and quarterly balance sheet and other financial data for 3-15 years. Data available as reported, standardized, or restated.
Mergent WebReports is an archive of corporate reports from the Moodys and Mergent Corporate Manuals. Mergent WebReports contains more than 180,000 documents, dating back to the early 1900's. Collection is in PDF format and can be searched by company name, year, or manual type. List of manuals include: BANK & FINANCE, INDUSTRIAL, INTERNATIONAL, OTC INDUSTRIAL, PUBLIC UTILITY, TRANSPORTATION, OTC UNLISTED, ARCHIVES SUPPLEMENT.
Has annual shareholder reports and SEC 10K and 10Q reports from 2000 forward.
Selected Corporate Annual Reports Available at the Library of Congress
Annual reports (1844-2008) available for over 800 companies, 43,000 reports, 1.3M pages. Searchable puff images with indexed data such as: financial, Fortune 500 ranking, industry classification, key people, geographic location, auditor, and related companies. It can also be browsed by company name, related names, industry, or date.
Annual reports for 8,013 international companies
DEF 14A | Proxy Statement (Board of Directors appointments, changes, etc) |
10-K | Annual Report to the SEC (Required) |
10-KA | Amended Annual Report |
10-Q | Quarterly Report |
8-K | Report on changes that could affect the financial health of the company |
6-K | Non-US companies listed on a US stock exchanges, similar to 8-K |
20-F | Non-US company annual report to SEC |
13-D | Insider shares traded by board |
13-FE | Institutional Holders' trades |
14-D1 | Tender offer or acquisition of another company |
14-D9 | Response to tender offer |
S-1 | New Issue Filing, aka Prospectus for an IPO (Initial Public Offering) |
SB | Small Business IPO |