Databases - Theatre-specific databases that UT Libraries subscribes to can be found here. These include:
Journals - The "e-Journals by Subject" tab on the Libraries homepage will allow you to search for numerous journals within a broad subject area.
Use the Libraries One Search to search for specific article titles, authors, or subjects within a journal.
Full-text of scholarly journals and books in the humanities and social sciences.
Bibliographic access to design, craft and applied arts journals and newspapers, and data on designers and studios. Coverage from 1973 to current.
Theater Research at the Library of Congress This guide navigates the Library's collections related to theater but focuses on those within the Music Division, including special collections, rare materials, reference materials, digitized resources, and databases.
HowlRound Theatre Commons HowlRound is a free and open platform for theatremakers worldwide that amplifies progressive, disruptive ideas about the art form and facilitates connection between diverse practitioners.
Backstage Backstage is an online career platform and marketplace, with a focus on editorial news, educational content, and interviews from industry experts. (This links to the website - full text is searchable through Performing Arts Periodicals database)
The Library of Congress uses Theater as a subject heading for "works on drama as acted on the stage. Works on facilities used to stage drama are entered under Theaters. Works on drama as a literary form are entered under Drama."
Note that databases may use similar terminology to mean different things.
American English spelling is typically "Theater" but the use of the British spelling - "Theatre" - is widespread in the US.
Be aware of these differences when developing a search strategy.