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Art: Home

This guide provides resources for Art History and Studio Art.


I am working on expanding and improving this Research Guide. Please contact me if you have questions or suggestions!

- - Louisa Trott, Arts & Humanities Librarian

Databases for Articles and Other Resources

Full-Text Databases 

Citation Indexes (Link to or Request Articles)

Use Interlibrary Loan to get articles or books you find but that we don't have in our collections. Scroll down to "Borrowing from Other Libraries" at the end of this page to find out more.

Specialized Databases

Resources for finding images, books and digitized books, and databases focusing on geographic areas or time periods (or providing general reference information) are listed below.


See our Images research guide for tips on where to start your search

Digital Public Library of America

Discover millions of images, texts, videos, and sounds from across the United States


Discover Europe’s digital cultural heritage - search, save and share art, books, films and music from thousands of cultural institutions. Sections include:

  • Art Explore artists and art movements, and discover stories about the history of art and its paintings, drawings, engravings and sculptures.
  • Photography Explore the history of photography, discover incredible images and find out about the photographers behind them.


Books and Digitized Books

Use Resource Sharing to request books and articles we don't own or have accessible at the UT Libraries

Other Specialized Databases

Library Liaison

Profile Photo
Louisa Trott
Hodges Library
1015 Volunteer Blvd
TN 37996
Subjects: Art, Cinema Studies, Theatre