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Civic Engagement: Contact Elected Officials

Whether you are new to Knoxville, new to civic engagement, or both, this guide will help you get started.

Identify your Local Elected Officials

If you live in Knoxville or unincorporated Knox County, you can use the KGIS Maps system to identify your city council, county commission, and state legislature representatives. Visit the link below and search for your address in the center top search bar. Then choose the Maps tab on the left side of the screen. From there, scroll down to political district maps and choose which map you want. The name of the affiliated elected official will then appear over your address on the map. Use the City, County, and State Legislature webpages to identify contact information for your elected officials. 

KGIS Website

City of Knoxville Government 

Knox County Government

Tennessee State Legislature 




Identify your State and Federal Elected Officials

Search for your address through the Common Cause website to identity contact information for your federal, state, and some local elected officials whether you live at or near the university or are taking classes online from elsewhere.

Common Cause Website

Contact the White House

Use this contact form to write to the White House, office of the President of the United States.

Contact the White House