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Latin American Studies: Media

Information and research sources for assignments, interests and entertainment


Video and Audio

To find media resources held at UTLibraries follow this link to search just for video in the online catalog  

Look here for an index of the streamed media via UT Libraries

Public Media Sites

Cinemateca Brasileira

The Brazilian Cinema is the institution responsible for the preservation of Brazilian audiovisual production.

Escuela Internacional de Cine y Televisión (EICTV) de San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba

Escuela Internacional de Cine y TV. San Antonio de los Baños, Artemisa, Cuba.

Latin American and Spanish Videos Freely Available on the Internet: A Guide to Web Resources 

A library guide from University of Albany that brings together a selection of web resources that provide access to freely available videos, representing the great variety and diversity of Latin American and Spanish video production on the Internet.

Central American and Mexican Video Archive (CAMVA)

Indiana University's digital archive making accessible hundreds of hours of raw footage, videos, and films that are currently preserved in a precarious state.

Más de cien años de cine mexicano (History of Mexican Cinema). 

History of Mexican Cinema

Hemispheric Institute Digital Video Library

New York University Libraries archive of of rare video documenting social performance in the Americas.

Latin American Studies Librarian