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Veterinary Nurses

This is the Pendergrass Library research guide for veterinary nurses and technicians at UTCVM.

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How it works


All University of Tennessee, Knoxville affiliated patrons may check out seed packets to begin growing their own gardens. Pick any kind of seeds you would like and take them home. Each seed packet contains enough seeds to grow 2-4 plants.

There are tons of great resources in this guide about growing seeds, harvesting produce, saving seeds, and much more. Take a look at what's inside to better know where you would like to start. Growing veggies is fun!

What's the difference between type and variety of a vegetable?

Type: cucumber, squash, tomato

Variety: Tendergreen Burpless (cucumber), Butternut Waltham (squash), and Black Cherry (tomato)

Vegetable Descriptions

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Have fun!!


Scientific Name: Phaseolus vulgaris 


three wide butterbean pods, one green, one brown, one opened pod with four white beansAlabama Blackeyed Butterbean

A delicious Alabama heirloom butterbean. This bean is quite vigorous and will need trellising. Does well in extreme heat and drought conditions. Technically a lima bean, this creamy white bean is traditionally grown in Alabama and referred to there as a butterbean. 

When to plant: Spring, Summer
Seed Depth: 1-1 ½ inch
Seeds per hole: 1-3
Height: 60-96 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 60-85 days



a bunch of garden huckleberries in a bowl

Huckleberry Garden

Scientific Name: Solanum melanocerasum

The garden huckleberry is native to Africa and is a solanaceous berry in the tomato family. The berries mature to a dull black color and should be slightly soft to the touch; at this point the berries are perfect to eat and quite tasty. The truly spectacular flavor of these berries is revealed when the berries are cooked and sweetened; this brings out a fruity, blackberry-like flavor that is simply sublime. 

When to plant: Spring 
Seed Depth: 1/8" in
Sunlight: 6-12 hours of sun 
Days to Maturity: 75 days



Scientific Name: Brassica oleracea var. italica


a large, green head of broccoli in the palm of a person's hand

Waltham 29 Broccoli
Scientific Name:
Brassica oleracea var. italica

Known for producing large heads and long stalks, this longtime favorite is excellent for cooking fresh or freezing. The 4-6" dark blue-green heads are arrayed with side shoots.

When to plant: Spring, Fall
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 24-30 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 70-75 days

Scientific Name: Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera


a pile of six green brussels sprouts

Groninger Brussels Sprouts

Scientific Name: Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera

Groninger Brussels Sprouts are an ideal choice for beginners. Groningers can handle light frosty weather and will improve in flavor. The best weather for planting is in midsummer for fall harvest. 
When to Plant: Spring, Summer
Seed Depth: ¼ to ½ inch
Seed per hole: 3 seeds
Height: 2-3 feet
Sun light: Full sun
Day to Maturity: 80-100 days


Scientific Name: Brassica oleracea var. capitata


a lady in a white shirt holding a dark purple head of bok choyBok Choy Purple Lady
Scientific Name: Brassica rapa sub chinensis

This sweet and rich flavor Bok Choy will be perfect for frying, grilling, or making salads. You can enjoy dark purple leaves with lime green stems in your garden in cool spring or fall. 

When to plant: Spring, Fall
Seed depth: 1/4"
Seed per hole: 1-2
Height: 5-7 inches
Sun light: full sun, partial shade
Day to maturity: 45 days

Scientific Name: Daucus carota


two plump purple carrots, one sliced purple carrot that is orange insideCosmic Purple Carrot

Stunning roots with deep purple skin and orange flesh. These tapered roots steal the show in salads with their extraordinary color combination and sweet flavor with a bit of spice!

When to plant: Spring, Summer
Seed Depth: 1/4 inch
Seeds per hole: pinch
Height: 4-8 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 70 days


Danvers 126 Half LongDanvers 126 Half Long Carrot

The original Danvers Half Long dates back to the 1870s. The strain "126" was improved in the 1940s. The old standard American carrot, adaptable and dependable.

When to plant: Spring, Summer
Seed Depth: 1/4 inch
Seeds per hole: pinch
Height: 4-8 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 75 days

Scientific Name: Cucumis sativus


many green, bumpy cucumbers, slices are white on inside

Boston Pickling Cucumber

This Boston Pickling Cucumber is great for pickling and can be harvested when they grow 3 to 7 inches. It is crispy and flavorful. Harvest often to make room to grow more.  

When to plant: Summer
Seed depth: ½”
Seed per hole: 2-3
Height: 3-7 inches
Sun light: Full sun
Day to maturity: 50-60 days


three cucumbers, light green and dark green on opposite endsDar Cucumber

The plants are of bush habit, usually running no more than 18" or so, making them superior for small gardens, containers, or anywhere space is tight.

When to plant: Summer
Seed Depth: ½ inch
Seeds per hole: 3-4
Height: 12 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 60 days



two bright red flowers with light green stems and leavesAmerican Legion Poppy
Scientific name: Papaver somniferum

This Flanders poppy grew in Europe in World War I, and the name “American Legion” honors the soldiers who died. Bright red blooms cover plants. Grows and blooms very easily.

When to plant: Spring, Fall
Seed Depth:¼  inch
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 12-18 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 65-85 days
Attracts: Bees


a wide, bright yellow flower with a large black centerArikara Sunflower
Scientific name:
Helianthus annuus

This beautiful bright yellow flower with black center will give you an enjoyable time in your garden. The seeds were used by the Arikara nation in North Dakota. This flower needs full sun, rich soil, and moderately moist soil, and to start planting indoors 2-3 weeks before last frost.

When to Plant: Spring
Seed Depth: ½ inch
Seed per hole: 2-3 seeds
Height: 10 to 12 inches
Sun light: Full sun
Day to Maturity: 55 - 75 days
Attracts: Bees, Butterflies, and Birds


a bundle of thin, tube-shaped, violet flowersCatmint Dark Blue Panther
Scientific name:
Nepeta subsessilis

The Dark Blue Panther Catmint, also known as Japanese Catmint, is native to Japan. The plant is an excellent pollinator, attracting bees, butterflies, hummingbirds (and as the name suggests, Cats!). This Catmint grows from seed to bloom within the first year, grows upright, and has a stunning fragrance.  The plant works well in either beds or as the centerpiece within planters.  This flower is rather hardy and can even survive in rockier soils, making it an excellent choice for planting where other flowers fail to grow. 

When to plant: Spring
Seed Depth: surface sow
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 12-18 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Days to Maturity: 10-12 weeks (or within the 1st year)
Attracts: Bees, Butterflies, and Hummingbirds


bright yellow flowers with wide, green, leafy undersidesChocolate Daisy
Scientific name: Berlandiera lyrata

An easy-to-grow native wild flower with darling yellow blooms that smell of hot cocoa, especially strong in the early morning hours. The stamens of the flower are edible and taste faintly of chocolate! Various medicinal uses of this plant have been documented among Native American communities.
When to plant: Spring, Fall
Seed Depth: surface sow
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 1-1 ½ feet 
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 60 days
Attracts: Bees, Butterflies, Green Lacewings, Ladybugs, Moths, and Praying Mantises


bundles of fluffy, round orange and yellow flowersCrackerjack Mix Marigold
Scientific name: Tagetes erecta

This giant African type is popular with gardeners cost to cost. Big double blooms come in shades of lemon yellow to deep orange.

When to plant: Spring, Summer
Seed Depth: ¼ inch
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 30 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 75-90
Attracts: Bees, Butterflies, Beneficial Pollinators, and Predatory Insects


a pile of dark purple flowers with yellow

Floral Days Morning Dew Viola
Scientific name: Viola s wittrockiana

A dainty and delightful pansy, with starkly contrasted, bi-colored petals of lemon yellow and plum purple. These cold-hardy plants reach just 8 inches in height, making them an ideal choice for containers, hanging baskets, beds, borders and more.

When to Plant: Spring, Summer
Seed Depth: surface sow
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 8 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 85 days
Attracts: Butterflies


purple, red, and pink flowers with yellow streaks on the inner petalsGrandiflora Mix Salpiglossis
Scientific name: Zinnia elegans

Also known as “Painted Tongue,” large petunia-like blooms are splashed with vibrant purple-pinks and yellows. These pretty flowers are native to southern Chile and are related to nicotiana.

When to plant: Spring, Summer
Seed Depth: 1/4 inch
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 12-15 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 45-60 days
Attracts: Bees and Butterflies


a pile of multi-colored flowers, each with many thin petals, and a small black centerLivingstone Daisy Pastel Mix
Scientific Name:
Dorotheanthus bellidiformis

It is annual flower and easy to grow. This Daisy will give your garden colorful pleasantness. This flower is native from South Africa and named by Dr. David Livingstone who traveled in South Africa in the 1800s. They like slightly dry and well drained soil. 
When to plant: Fall, Spring
Seed depth: Surface sow
Seed per hole: 3-4
Height: 4-6 inches
Sun light: Full sun
Day to maturity: 30 days
Attracts: Bees and Butterflies


Pink Dandelions growing in garden.Pink Dandelion 
Scientific Name:
Taraxacum pseudoroseum

 A darling little wildflower from central Asia, pink dandelion is a much less prolific relative of the common yellow dandelion. Leaves, roots, and blooms of pink dandelion are edible; they are slightly less bitter than the common yellow dandelion. The 1-2 inch blooms are pink with a lemon-cream center.

When to plant: Spring, Summer
Seed depth: 1/8" in
Seed per hole: 2-3
Height: 6-9" inches
Sun light: 4-6 hours of sun
Day to maturity: 40-60 days
Attracts: Bees and Butterflies


flowers of different colors with thin, densely packed petals, and a big yellow centerStrawflower Tall Double Mix
Scientific Name:
Helichrysum bracteatum

Mixed of red, purple, yellow, orange, brown, rose, white and more colorful flower. This Australian native flower is popular for dried and fresh bouquets. Need well drained soil and can be started indoors 6-8 weeks to transfer outdoor before the last frost date.
When to plant: Spring, Summer
Seed depth: Sow in place
Seed per hole: 2
Height: 24-36 inches
Sun light: Full sun
Day to maturity: 70-84
Attracts: Butterflies, bees, and hoverflies


dark purple flowers with white outer petals, and a small yellow centerSuper Beaconsfield Pansy
Scientific name: Viola x wittrockiana

Wildly illuminating purple and white petals make this Swiss giant type pansy glow in the garden. Gorgeous edible blooms on this classic pansy of yesteryear!

When to plant: Spring
Seed Depth: surface sow
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 8-10 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 85 days
Attracts: Butterflies


*All are great for attracting pollinators*

a bundle of thin, green stems with a flare of green seeds at the topBouquet Dill
Scientific name: Anethum graveolens

Very aromatic and produces lots of flavorful leaves and seeds. Great companion to most plants and foods.

When to plant: Spring, Summer
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 12-24 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 65 days


green, wrinkly oblong leaves covered in short white fuzz Broad Leaf Sage
Scientific name
: Salvia officinalis

Used in Europe and America to flavor many meats, stuffings, vinegars, and more! Fragrant leaves are also used in potpourri. 

When to plant: Spring
Seed Depth: surface sow
Seeds per hole: 3-5
Height: 20 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 80 days


small, bright green leaves in a bundle of thin, brown cinnamon sticks Cinnamon Basil
Scientific Name:
Ocimum basilicum

This easy to grow herb tests spicy and sweet. People use it for baking, pastas, and salad. Need moderately rich and moist soil to grow well. It is known as Mexican spice basil. 

When to plant: Late spring, Summer
Seed depth: 1/4 inches
Seed per hole: 2
Height: 18 inches to 2 ft 6 inches
Sun light: Full sun
Day to maturity: 68 days


a bundle long green stems tipped with a round cluster of thin, light purple petalsCommon Chives
Scientific name: Allium schoenoprasum

Wonderful, mild onion flavor. These long, thin chives are excellent in many meals; great raw or cooked. Lavender flowers.

When to plant: Spring, Fall
Seed Depth: ⅛ inch
Seeds per hole: 10-15
Height: 10-15 inches
Sunlight: Full to partial sun
Days to Maturity: 90 days


large, bright green, wrinkly leavesGenovese Basil
Scientific name: Ocimum basilicum

This Italian basil is one of the most aromatic of all basils. Gorgeous, large green leaves on 18-24" plants. A must for any kitchen garden. It is best known for its use in pesto.

When to plant: Spring
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 16-18 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 65-75 days


green plants with many frilled, club-shaped leavesGiant of Italy Parsley
Scientific name
: Petroselinum crispum

A very large Italian strain of parsley with great flavor. Perfect for sauces!

When to plant: Early Spring, Fall
Seed Depth: surface sow
Seeds per hole: 3-4
Height: 8-12 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 70-90 days


green stalks with small, light purple flowersLavender
Scientific name
: Lavadula vera

Famous for fragrance, the lavender-colored blossoms are used in potpourris, soaps, etc.

When to plant: Spring
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 20-24 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 90-200 days


a bush of yellow-green, wrinkly leaves with jagged edges

Lemon Balm
Scientific Name:
Melissa officinalis

Lemon Balm is a perennial and lemon flavored and fragrance herb. It is from the mint family and people use it for cooking, tea, and medical use. It has small white flowers and is an easy to grow plant.  

When to plant: Late spring
Seed depth: Surface Sow
Seed per hole: 2-3
Height: 2 ft 
Sun light: 8-12 hours of Sun
Day to maturity: 70 days


a glass cup of golden liquid, next to a bushy sprig of deep green, pointy leavesMountain Mint
Scientific name
: Pycnanthemum pilosum

This top pollinator favorite is easy to grow from seed and to care for. It’s loaded with nectar so the subtly spotted flowers hum with life. Because of its strong smell, mammals won’t bother it, yet it’s a delight in the gardens because simply brushing this plant will release a beautiful mint aroma.

When to plant: Spring
Seed Depth: surface sow
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 24-36 inches
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
Days to Maturity: sprouts in 10-14 days


three sprigs with full of dark green, needle-like leavesRosemary
Scientific name
: Rosmarina officinalis

Small evergreen shrub covered with needle-like aromatic leaves and a myriad of tiny pink or blue flowers in summer. The dark green leaves may be used fresh or dried. Flowers are beloved by bees

When to plant: Spring
Seed Depth: barely cover
Seeds per hole: 3-4 
Height: 3 feet
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity:180-360 (sprouts in 14-28 days)


herbs with thin green stems and frayed, fan-shaped leavesSlo-Bolt Cilantro
Scientific name: Coriandrum sativum

Great flavor, yet slower to bolt. Fresh leaves best harvested before flowering.

When to plant: Spring, Fall
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 24-36 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 45-60 days


a bundle of sprigs with yellow stems and tiny green leaves laying on a light brown, woven matThyme
Scientific name
: Thymus vulgaris

Small, rounded leaves along woody stems are very aromatic and flavorful. A delightful culinary herb that balances and enhances any dish. Not winter hardy but grows well in containers.

When to Plant: Spring, Summer
Seed Depth: surface sow
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 6-12 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 70 days


a hand holding a bundle of bright green herbs with almond-shaped leavesVulgare Oregano
Scientific name
: Origanum vulgare

This is a beautiful and delicious Italian flavoring herb. Can also be used for medicinal purposes. Great for Italian and Greek cooking.

When to plant: Spring
Seed Depth: surface sow
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 1-2 ft.
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 90-200 days (sprouts in 7-14 days)

Scientific Name: Lactuca sativa


a bundle of big, green, wrinkly leaves, beside a little bowl of smaller green leavesHenderson's Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce

Very flavorful and superb quality. This is one of the most popular leaf lettuce varieties on the market. Its frilled crumpled leaves are crisp, tender, and very flavorful. The crisp leaves are perfect for salads and garnishes.

When to plant: Spring, Fall
Seed Depth: ¼ inch
Seeds per hole: pinch
Height: 9-15 inches
Sunlight: Full to partial sun
Days to Maturity: 45 days


two, large, green bulbs of leavesMay Queen Lettuce

This delicate butterhead is the crowned jewel of the heirloom garden. Tender, yellow hearts are gently blushed rose, and the leaves are ethereally soft with the buttery sweet flavor signature of an old-fashioned European butterhead type.

When to plant: Spring, Fall
Seed Depth: ¼ inch
Seeds per hole: pinch
Height: 2-10 inches
Sunlight: Full to partial sun
Days to Maturity: 50 days

Scientific Name: Pisum sativum



California Blackeye Pea in multiple shades.California Black-Eyed Pea

An old standard variety with vigorous, high-yielding vines. Thomas Jefferson grew Blackeye peas in the 1770s.  Originating in Africa, cowpeas are easy to grow and are very popular in the South. A very ancient crop. The vines also produce excellent “greens” for cooking!


When to plant: Spring
Seed Depth: 1/2 to 1 inch
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 70 days


three closed green pea pods, one open pod with green, spherical seedsLincoln Garden Pea

An old-time pea introduced in 1908. High-yielding and tasty, this pea does better than many in warmer weather. The tightly-filled pods are easy to shell, and compact vines are a good choice for small gardens.

When to plant: Spring, Fall, Winter
Seed Depth: 1 inch
Seeds per hole: 1-2
Height: 24-30 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 60-65 days

Scientific Name: Capsicum annuum


a mix of four green and red, cone-shaped chili peppersAnaheim Hot Pepper

The Anaheim Chili Pepper is a mild to medium heirloom chili pepper that is commonly used in Mexican, and other spicy dishes. It is large, colorful, and tasty.

When to plant: Spring, Summer
Seed Depth: ¼ inch
Seeds per hole: 1-2
Height: 18-24 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 80 days


long, thin dark red peppers with deep green stemsCayenne Long Thin Hot Pepper

Peppers are hot and turn from green to brilliant red when mature. Plant has green stems, green leaves, and white flowers. A perfect pepper for seasoning when dried.

When to plant: Spring, Summer
Seed Depth: ¼ inch
Seeds per hole:1-2
Height: 24-36 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 85 days


small, bell-shaped peppers in many different colorsMini Bell Pepper Mix

The 2-inch mini bell peppers are an old Ohio family heirloom. We love these little peppers for snacking, stuffing or pickling. Plants produce an abundance of red, yellow, and chocolate orbs, easy to grow and so rewarding.

When to plant: Spring, Summer
Seed Depth: ¼ inch
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 15 inches 
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 60 days


cone-shaped, red and green peppers laying side-by-sideShishito Pepper

A favorite old Japanese variety which produces 3 inches long, slightly wrinkled fruit that is perfect for making tempura or other traditional recipes. Fruit is emerald green in color, ripening to red, and mildly flavored with just a bit of spice.

When to plant: Spring, Summer
Seed Depth: ¼ inch
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 24 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 60 to 65 days

Scientific Name: Spinacia oleracea


a person holding one large, shiny, bumpy, green leafBloomsdale Long Standing Spinach

This is an old standard. It's a large, spreading spinach that has dark green, savoyed curled leaves. The yield is good, and it is slow to bolt.

When to plant: Spring, Fall, Winter
Seed Depth: 1/2 inch
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 10-12 inches
Sunlight: Full to partial sun
Days to Maturity: 40-50 days

Scientific Name: Cucurbita pepo


a cream-colored squash with a rounded end Butternut Waltham Squash

Scientific Name: Cucurbita maschata

The undisputed king of all butternut squash, the "Waltham Butternut" is an heirloom and a 1970 All-American Selections winner; a familiar staple of classic American cooking.
When to plant: Spring
Seed Depth: ½ -1 inch
Seeds per hole: 1-2
Height: 10-12 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 85-100 days


three long, green zucchinisZucchini Black Beauty Squash

Bush type plant produces high yields of straight dark green zucchini squash. The outer surface is very smooth. Best when harvested when squash is 8" long.

When to plant: Spring, Summer
Seed Depth: ½ -1 inch
Seeds per hole: 1-2
Height: 24 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 50-65 days

Scientific Name: Lycopersicum esculentum


seven, small, round, dark red cherry tomatoes with pointy dark green leavesBlack Cherry Tomato

This is the first black cherry tomato that has the classic tomato flavor. Perfect for salads, gourmet dishes, vegetable platters, shish-kebobs, or just eating fresh right off the vine.

When to plant: Spring, Summer
Seed Depth: ⅛ inch
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 72-84 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 60-90 days


one large, round, bright red tomatoBonny Best Tomato

Old favorite, introduced in 1908, Bonny Best boasts 6-8 oz. smooth, bright scarlet globes that are flavorful, solid and meaty. Popular for home and market gardens.

When to plant: Spring, Summer
Seed Depth: ⅛ inch
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 36-60 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 75 days


A potted Orange Hat Tomato plant. Orange Hat Tomato 

 Like all micro dwarf tomatoes, this is a really fun one to grow, and is perfect for containers or tiny spaces. It even grows well indoors under grow lights. Enjoy fresh tomatoes in the dead of winter! 


When to plant: Summer
Seed Depth: ⅛ inch
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 55-65 days


Cut and whole Raspberry Lyanna Tomatoes on a pink terra-cotta plate.Raspberry Lyanna Tomato

Simply stunning raspberry-pink fruit of medium size. Firm flesh is very sweet and richly flavored. It is almost free of imperfections, making it ideal for marketing.


When to plant: Spring, Summer
Seed Depth: ⅛ inch
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 36-60 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 75-85 days

Scientific Name: Citrullus lanatus


Crimson Sweet WatermelonCrimson Sweet Watermelon

Scientific Name: Citrullus Vulgaris 

Crisp and sweet, medium-red flesh, mild flavor. A good producing type that is still quite popular. 



When to plant: Spring
Seed Depth: ½ -1 inch
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 72-96 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 85 days


a dark green, round watermelon cut in half showing a bright red center with large, black seedsSugar Baby Watermelon

The most popular icebox-sized melon among gardeners! They have a sweet, deep, red flesh.


When to plant: Spring
Seed Depth: ½ -1 inch
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 15-24 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 75-80 days


*All are great for attracting pollinators*

bushes with bundles of tiny orange flowersButterfly Weed Milkweed
Scientific name
: Asclepias tuberosa

This bushy, 1-2 ft. perennial is prized for its large, flat-topped clusters of bright orange flowers. When grown from seed, it takes 2-3 years to flowers. Once established it will continue to expand each year.
When to plant: Spring
Seeds per hole: pinch
Height: 12-24 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 2-3 years

field of green grass, and bright yellow flowers with big brown centersLance-leaf Coreopsis
Scientific name
: Coreopsis lanceolata

The bright yellow, daisy-like flowers are about 1 1/2 inches in diameter and bloom singly on a long stem.

When to plant: Spring, Summer
Seeds per hole: pinch
Height: 12-24 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Days to Maturity: 90-120 days

green, hook-shaped stems, with drop-shaped, light purple flowersNodding Onion
Scientific name
: Allium cernuum

Nodding Onion is stunning to have in gardens because of its unique flowers. A ball of star-like flowers forms on each stem, tending to bend downward.

When to plant: Summer
Seeds per hole: 2-3
Height: 8-18 inches
Sunlight: Full to partial sun
Days to Maturity: approx. 60 days

a field of long green stalks covered in small purple flowersPrairie Blazing Star
Scientific name
: Liatris pycnostachya

It makes a beautiful cut flower. It has grass-like leaves with a purple tufted flower head. Sometimes grown as an ornamental.
When to plant: Summer
Seeds per hole: 3-4
Height: 30-48 inches
Sunlight: Full to partial sun
Days to Maturity: 20-25 days


a black butterfly in field of purple flowers with cone-shaped centers, and some small yellow flowersPurple Coneflower
Scientific name
: Echinacea purpurea

The flowers are a golden red to purple. Coneflowers have been known to treat rattlesnake bites, bee stings, headaches, toothaches, and sort throats.



When to plant: Summer, Fall
Seeds per hole: 3-4 
Height: 40-48 inches
Sunlight: Full to partial sun
Days to Maturity: 1-2 years


long brown stalks topped with cylindrical bulbs of tiny purple flowersPurple Prairie Clover
Scientific Name:
Dalea purpurea

The purple flower blooms bottom to top and attracts pollinators even though it does not have noticeable fragrance. This plant can grow medium to dry soil. 




When to plant: Spring, summer
Seed per hole: 2-3
Height: 3 inches 
Sun light: Full sun



plants with tan stems, long green leaves, and bundles of small, light pink flowersRose Milkweed
Scientific name
: Asclepias incarnata

Also known as Red Milkweed, Marsh Milkweed, or Swamp Milkweed. This flower has a vanilla fragrance with large rosy pink flowers.




When to plant: Summer
Seeds per hole: 3-4
Height: 30-48 inches
Sunlight: Full to partial sun
Days to Maturity: 40-50 days


Alternative image 5 for Silene regia.Royal Catchfly
Scientific name
: Silene regia

The scarlet, trumpeting flowers beckon to all the hummingbirds in the area, as well as Black Swallowtails. Smaller insects fall prey to the “catch” part of this plant: the stems and leaves are sticky. Royal Catchfly is rare due to loss of prairie habitat and is endangered in some states but is relatively easy to grow. The bloom period is June-August for this excellent garden plant.


When to plant: Fall
Germination Code: C(60)
Seeds per hole: a pinch
Height: 24-48 inches 
Sunlight: Full to partial sun
Days to Maturity: may bloom in the first year, but it is more likely they will not bloom until the 2nd or 3rd year
Attracts: hummingbirds, butterflies


a close-up of a light pink flower with a large dark red, cone-shaped centerTennessee Coneflower
Scientific name
: Echinacea tennesseensis

Recently removed from the federal endangered species list! Flat, pastel pink flowers with green and burgundy centers, and follow the sun like sunflowers.

When to plant: Summer
Seeds per hole: 3-4
Height: 12-24 inches
Sunlight: Full to partial sun
Days to Maturity: 2-3 years


White prairie cloverWhite Prairie Clover
Scientific name
: Dalea candida

Bright, white flowers start growing at the base of a cylindrical cone, and continue to wrap upwards as the season progresses. This perennial thrives in full or partial sun and drier soils. White Prairie Clover’s blooming season is June through September. Bees, birds, and butterflies are all fans of the Prairie Clover and will be attracted to the plant. The Prairie Clover is deer resistant.


When to plant: Spring, Early Summer, Fall
Germination Code: A, I, J
Seeds per hole: a pinch
Height: 12-24 inches 
Sunlight: Full to partial sun
Days to Maturity: germinate in 14-30 days, spends the first year developing a deep roots system
Attracts: bees, butterflies, beetles, moths, wasps, and birds


a round bundle of tiny white flowers and some thin green leavesWhorled Milkweed
Scientific name
: Asclepias verticillata

The flower has greenish-white flowers and "whorled" leaves. *Can be toxic to livestock*

When to plant: Summer
Seeds per hole: 3-4 
Height: 12-24 inches 
Sunlight: Full to partial sun
Days to Maturity: germinate in 10-15 days, but flowers don't come in until the second year of growth