Many publishers do not sell online textbooks to libraries. If your textbook is a collection of readings, then it might be possible to find the articles in other sources. This list comes from the table of contents for Sociology for Education: A Critical Reader by Sadovnik and Coughlan. Not all content is available from UT Libraries. The links below work only for current UTK faculty and students.
- On Education and Society by Emile Durkheim
Request PDF scan for chapter 2, pages 92-105 of Power and Ideology in Education by Karabel and Halsey. See how to request a PDF scan.
- Functional and Conflict Theories of Educational Stratification by Randall Collins
- Broken Promises: School Reform in Retrospect by Bowles and Gintis.
Place an interlibrary loan request for chapter 2, p18-52 of Bowles and Gintis: Schooling in Capitalist America (our copy is lost). Complete book information is available in WorldCat. See how to request interlibrary loan.
- On Understanding the Processes of Schooling: The Contributions of Labeling Theory by Ray C. Rist
Request PDF scan for chapter 15, pages 292-305, of Power and Ideology in Education
- The Forms of Capital by Pierre Bourdieu
Also available on pages 241-258 in Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education.
- Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital by James S Coleman
- The Effects of Education as an Institution by John W. Meyer
- The Organizational Context of Teaching and Learning: Changing Theoretical Perspectives by Gamoran, Secada, and Marrett
- Is There Really a Teacher Shortage? by Ingersoll
- Tracking: From Theory to Practice by Hallinan
- More than Misplaced Technology: A Normative Political Response to Hallinan on Tracking by Oakes
- College-for-All: Do Students Understand What College Demands? by Rosenbaum
- New Evidence on College Remediation by Attewell, Lavin, Domina, and Levey
- Whose Markets, Whose Knowledge? by Michael Apple
- Invisible Inequality: Social Class and Childrearing in Black Families and White Families by Lareau
- "Black" Cultural Capital, Status Positioning, and Schooling Conflicts for Low-Income African American Youth by Carter
- Behind the Model-Minority Stereotype: Voices of High- and Low-Achieving Asian American Students by Lee
- Seeking Equity in the Education of California's English Learners by Rumberger and Gandara
Request PDF Scan from the print journal. The complete citation is Rumberger, R. W., & Gándara, P. (2004). Seeking Equity in the Education of California's English Learners. Teachers College Record, 106(10), 2032–2056.
- The Trouble with Black Boys: The Role and Influence of Environmental and Cultural Factors on the Academic Performance of African American Males by Noguera
- Sociological Understandings of Contemporary Gender Transformations in Schooling in the UK by Arnot
- Eliminating Ableism in Education by Hehir
- 60 Years After Brown: Trends and Consequences of School Segregation by Reardon and Owens
- The Radical Restructuring of the State and the Dissolution of the American Economy by Fabricant and Fine
- Promise and Peril: Charter School, Urban School Reform, and the Obama Administration by Payne and Knowles
- Effects of Inequality and Poverty vs. Teachers and Schooling of America's Youth by Berliner