Begin your research with these key databases:
Reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for much of the mathematical sciences literature. Coverage from early 1800s to current. Same content as the EBSCO version, just a different interface.
A multidisciplinary citation index covering journal articles and conference proceedings in sciences, social sciences, and humanities from 1900 to current. Provides cited reference searching and journal impact factors. Also includes access to Essential Science Indicators.
Please see this FAQ for accessibility workarounds for accessing Web of Science. For more help, please contact
A multidisciplinary abstract and citation database with enriched data and linked scholarly literature in science, engineering, medicine, social sciences, and some arts & humanities. Coverage is strongest from 1996 to present. Chrome is the preferred browser for this platform.
Includes indexed and some full-text education literature and resources. Coverage from 1966 to present.
Please see this FAQ for extra instructions about accessing EBSCOhost databases or ebooks via screen reader or keyboard navigation. For more help, please contact
Provides indexing, abstracts, and some Full-Text of articles in all areas of education. Complements the ERIC database with a broad coverage of topics related to education.
Please see this FAQ for extra instructions about accessing EBSCOhost databases or ebooks via screen reader or keyboard navigation. For more help, please contact
A free distribution service and an open-access archive for scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics.
A bibliographic index to journals and books in statistics, probability and related fields. Coverage from 1975 to current.
If your research involves multiple disciplines, be sure to expand your search with these important databases:
Please see this FAQ for accessibility workarounds for accessing Web of Science. For more help, please contact
An engineering bibliographic database covering scientific literature pertaining to engineering materials. The name "Compendex" stands for COMPuterized ENgineering inDEX.
Users of screen readers should avoid using iPads and also the Firefox browser.
Indexing database of scientific and technical literature, published by the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Coverage is extensive in the fields of physics, computing, control, and engineering.
Coverage: 1898-1968
Users of screen readers should avoid using iPads and also the Firefox browser.
Dissertations and theses in all disciplines from around the world, many with full-text.
The digitized collection of dissertations and theses completed at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
To browse UTK theses and Dissertations, scroll down the page to “Browse the Graduate School Collections”, then select Doctoral Dissertations or Master Theses.