AccessEngineering (click on database link above) contains useful online books such as Schaum's Outline of Calculus; Schaum's Outline of Physics for Engineering and Science; Schaum's Outline of Engineering Mechanics: Statics; Schaum's Outline of Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics; and many other titles from the publisher McGraw-Hill. These books have worked problems.
Find a quiet or group study area at the University Libraries so that you have a place to review notes and learn new material almost 24-7.
Hodges Library: Floors 1, 4 and 5 are quiet study floors. Floors 2, 3 and 6 are for group study.
Group study rooms on the first and second floors can be reserved online. Group study rooms on the 3rd and 4th floors are available on a first come first serve basis. The group study room on the 5th floor is accessible to graduate students and cannot be reserved.
Pendergrass Ag-Vet Med Library: Quiet study areas are available in the stacks. Study rooms and the Alcove study and meeting area are available for group study.
DeVine Music Library: In addition to the computer workstations, there are several tables spaced around the Music Library for use as study areas. The Music Library Group Study Room (G17 Haslam Music Center) accommodates 2-8 people and can be reserved.
The Hoskins Storage Reading Room located at 1400 Cumberland Avenue has a space that can also be reserved online.