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Día de los Muertos 2020: Altar Gallery

Dante Parker (1st Place)

Este altar está dedicado a Selena Quintanilla-Pérez, “La Reina de la Música Tejana”. Ella era una cantante, actríz, y más. Pero, ella murió cuando ella tenía 24 años en el principio de su carrera. El altar incluye la cruz con Santa María y Santa Guadalupe para representar figuras femeninas, pan de concha para representar su dulce voz, y velas para iluminar su camino como la estrella que era. Las flores están dispersas porque, Como La Flor, ella se llena con tanto amor para sus aficionados y duele mucho perderla. Descansa en paz.

Lauren White

Mi altar es de mi abuelo y abuela. A mis abuelos les gustan el golf y el color naranja para los Tennessee Volunteers. El altar tiene dulces y flores y velas narajas. También, tiene un elefante porque es un animal que simboliza a mi abuela. La parte más importante es los fotos de mis abuelos y sus niños y sus nietos. La familia era el centro de las vidas de mis abuelos. Mi familia y yo extañamos a mis abuelos mucho.

Abigail Smallwood

This altar is dedicated to Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the second woman to be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court and served on the court for thirteen years. Appointed by President Bill Clinton, Ginsburg advocated tirelessly for gender equality, and women’s rights. She was the co-founder of the Women’s Rights Project, and an affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union. This alter celebrates Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s legacy, that will live on forever. The pearls and American flags represent her impact on feminism in the United States, and her patriotism.


Thomas Andrew da Silva Zeigler

Hice este altar para honrar a mi abuelo muerto y a mi bisabuelo Thomas Zeigler Jr. y Thomas Zeigler Sr...nunca tuve la oportunidad de conocer ninguno de los dos, porque murieron mucho antes de que yo naciera. A pesar de esto siento una conexión con ellos porque todos compartimos el mismo nombre (yo soy el cuarto Thomas), los honro quemando velas e incienso, así como presentando pan de freesh, agua y fruta. Me hubiera dejado el alcohol, pero no sabía cuáles eran sus bebidas preferidas. La familia es importante para mí y es importante que la nueva generación recuerde y honre a los que vinieron antes, porque crean el legado que heredamos.

Landry Edwards

Para el Día de Muertos, decidí hacer mi altar para un amigo mío que falleció en un accidente automovilístico hace dos años. Era un jugador de fútbol fantástico y amaba a los Patriots, por eso le agregué una pelota de fútbol y su propia gorra de los Patriots. También le encantaba jugar videojuegos, como Call of Duty, que también está en el altar. Agregué algunas cuentas naranjas y blancas porque nos encantaba hablar de venir a Tennessee. Algunos de sus bocadillos favoritos eran Reese's y Oreos, por eso le dejé algunos en el altar. Por último, incluí una carta que me escribió poco antes de su muerte. Este altar significa mucho para mí y estaba muy feliz de armar esto.

Denisha Emerson

Below is my alter, I have never participated in anything like this, so I made do with what I had. I made the alter for my Uncle Neil. He passes away at the end of my freshman year of college. If you read below you will be able to understand what I placed on the alter and why. Purple Candle. Orange Candle. Blue Tablecloth. I chose to base the table with a blue tablecloth because that is both of our favorite color. Cran-Grape ~ When I was younger, I use to sit with him, while his wife ran out and ran errands. My uncle suffered from Dementia, so he often times could not do for himself. Teddy Bear ~ There were very few times when he would be lucid, and the teddy bear was the very last thing he gave to me as part of my High School Graduation gift. So, I try to take good care of it to hold on as a memory. Sugar Cookies ~ Along with the Cran-grape he would ask for cookies. This also was because I was so young, I was not able to prepare certain things until I was older. Gushers ~ Gushers was the snack that I would eat while I was there sitting with him. They are also my favorite snack. Plant ~ The plant symbolizes the work my uncle Neil did in his yard. Before he fell ill, he would always plant and keep his yard well kept. Whenever spring would come around you knew he would be outside in his garden.

Alexa Castillo

Mi ofrenda es para Frida Kahlo una artista mexicana que me encanta y aprendí mucho durante mis clases de español pasadas. Yo elegí a Frida Kahlo porque su arte es una inspiración para mí y también su historia es muy interesante y complicada. Su vida fue difícil y su arte refleja los pensamientos internos complicados. Hice una ofrenda para ella con los colores rosados y morados, cada color representa un aspecto diferente de la celebración. Selecciono el rosado para la celebración de la vida de Kahlo y su memoria, y también el morado para el dolor y sufrimiento de su vida. No sé las comidas favoritas de Frida Kahlo, pero ofrecí panes dulces y unas comidas de México, como tortillas de maíz, frijoles, y salsa. También, ofrecí cosas típicas de los altares del día de los muertos como agua y sal. Para decorar, hice papel picado, usé las flores caléndulas, y encendí las velas.

Ashlyn Helton

This is my altar for my favorite rapper Juice Wrld. He passed about a year ago and it has been very hard for a lot of fans to handle this news. Juice Wrld was very inspirational in many ways to his fans and had the sweetest soul. I wanted to make an altar to honor him for losing his life too early. Juice was beyond talented and deserves to be recognized. I put out candles, photos, and some food for him to praise him in this alter.

Hannah G. Brown

My name is Hannah G. Brown. This is my Altar for the Day of the Dead. It is honoring my grandfather, my grandmother, my aunts, my uncles, and my first pet. My grandmother and uncle passed before I was born, but I still have stories and items that keep them alive within my life. My grandfather and my aunts and uncles, his brothers and sisters, have passed within my life. I want to have him be proud of how far I’ve come since he’s left, and to be able to remember all that he was, rather than those last few memories. I have a few of my family’s items and symbols that were always connected with them, such as the Kokopelli for my grandfather, my uncle’s necklace, and a photo of my family together before their deaths. I have empty glasses and plates to fill on the days of celebration for my relatives when they come by. I chose these family members and pets because they have shaped who I am the most. They encouraged me when I was younger, or I heard amazing stories about them, that always made me want to walk similar paths with them. I am honored to be their descendant and to continue our family’s story.

Sadira Austin

Este es mi altar dedicado a mi abuela. Hay muchas cosas en mi altar que representan a mi abuela como el cepillo, las fotografías, los perfumes y los dulces. Mi abuela tenía un hermoso cabello rojo y siempre me dijo que debías cepillarte el cabello al menos 100 veces al día para tener el cabello más hermoso. También incluí flores y velas porque son tradicionales para el día de los muertos.

Shaylan Patel

A continuación, se muestra una imagen de mi altar para mi abuelo. Mi abuelo significaba mucho para mi familia. Puse frutas, flores y luz alrededor de la imagen. Yo pongo luz para dar la bienvenida e invitar al alma. Pongo flores y frutas para tener colores vibrantes para simbolizar la felicidad. Nunca llegué a conocer a mi abuelo, pero él era muy importante para mi familia. Mi hermana tuvo que estar con él y tuvo los mejores recuerdos. Solo pude escuchar historias asombrosas de mi abuelo y aprendí mucho. Mi mamá, tía y tío estaban muy cerca de él también. Era importante para mi familia.

Alay Mistry (2nd Place)

Este es un altar para mí. Decidí hacerme un altar porque deseo que mi familia celebre con la muerte de esta forma. Me encantaría que me presentaran todas mis imágenes de momentos felices, mis comidas y bebidas favoritas, mis accesorios de UT, y especialmente mis colonias favoritas. El naranja es mi color favorito, para mí, simboliza el optimismo y la felicidad, por eso elegí este tema para mi altar que representa elementos importantes de mi vida.

Karly Suzanne Dugan

Nuestro altar es para Chadwick Boseman. Escogimos él porque era muy famoso y todos nosotros habíamos oído de él antes del proyecto. Actuó en muchas películas, incluyendo The Black Panther. Además, su muerte fue muy trágica. Tenía sólo cuarenta y tres años cuando murió de cáncer del colon. Durante toda su vida él intentó hacer el mundo un mejor lugar. Fue visto como un héroe en el escenario y también en su vida diaria. Por eso Chadwick necesita ser recordado.

Yaashoda Pillay

Hola, me llamo Yaashoda. En mi ofrenda, Yo incluye la foto por mi bisabuelos y la foto mi gran tío. Yo elegí mis abuelos y mí tío porque ellos muy importante de mi familia. Yo se elegí porque yo quise recordar mí familia porque conocí cuando era niña. A mí me gusta escuchando historias sobre mi gran tío y mis bisabuelos En mi ofrenda, yo incluyo las frutas y comidas favoritas de mi familia y los flores y las velas.

Audrey Brown

Mi nombre es Audrey Brown. Mi instructora es la Dra. Margarita Polyczk. Hice mi altar para mi tía abuela. Me pusieron su nombre y tuvo una gran influencia en mi vida. Vivió una larga vida llena de logros. Ella fue el ejemplo perfecto de aplomo, determinación, carisma y sarcasmo.

Maggie Savage

Mi ofrenda es para Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Ella fue una mujer muy importante en Los Estados Unidos. Ruth quiso derechos iguales para todas las personas en este país y la extraño. Ella murió el mes pasado. Mi ofrenda tiene muchas cosas tradicionales del Día de los muertos. La ofrenda tiene agua, para los muertos beber, y sal, para detener los muertos de hacer cosas malas en la tierra. Comida tradicionales del Día de los muertos, calabaza y fruta, hay en esta ofrenda también.

Alexandria Yarnell

Este altar está dedicado a mi abuela, Toby. Mi altar tiene sus cosas favoritas como Coke Zero, la fruta, y cosas que necesitaba para ser enfermera. Tuvo un gran impacto en mi vida. Toby era una mujer cariñosa, amorosa y honorable

Rylee King

I made this altar for my great grandmother. She was such a bright spirit in my family during her time here on Earth. She loved dream catchers and butterflies. These things remind me of her. In the photo you will see a photo album, butterflies and a dream catcher that she has passed down to me, and books that represent her as a person. You will also see a knitted piece of fabric that she made herself for my stepfather to have. She was a lovely and joyful woman and I miss her dearly.

Anne Rosevear

Mi altar para el día de los muertos es para mi perro, Collin. Lo elegí porque estuvo allí para mí durante la mayor parte de mi infancia. Murió el pasado abril, el viernes santo. En el altar de Collin yo puse su correa, su cepillo, sus mantas, y sus golosinas y juguetes favoritos.

William Fraser

Mi altar es para mi abuelo. Murió en 2018 y fue un momento muy triste. Por suerte, mi familia tiene muchas fotos de él y algunos de sus artículos. En la foto, puedes ver muchos elementos. Muchos de los artículos de su altar están relacionados con Tennessee porque era un gran admirador. Puede ver el sombrero que usaría para los partidos de fútbol, un pase de estacionamiento y una pelota de fútbol. El suéter en el medio era el de su papá cuando jugaba al fútbol en UT. También hay algunas fotos de él y mi familia. También puede ver una pequeña estrella de papel que haría como regalo de Navidad.

“My altar is for my grandfather. He passed in 2018 and it was a very sad time. Luckily, my family has many photos of him and some of his belongings. In the photo, you can see many items. A lot of the items on his altar are related to Tennessee because he was a very big fan. You can see the hat he would wear to the football games, a parking pass, and a football. The sweater in the middle was his dad's when he played football at UT. There are also some photos of him and my family. You can also see a small paper star that he would make for Christmas presents.”

Chloe Solomon

I created my altar in honor of my Aunt Lisa. She was only 53 when she died from cancer two years ago. I incorporated her ashes in the alter as well as a photo of her to capture her essence. I put a bottle of Bourbon in the altar because it was her favorite drink. I also included a can of “Día De Los Muertos” themed hot-chocolate because she enjoyed hot-chocolate. My mother added a small crystal angel because my aunt was her only sister and she was the youngest in her family; she was their little angel. There is also a one-dollar bill folded into the shape of a t-shirt. My aunt gave me this as a gift for Christmas 10 years ago. Even when she did not have a lot to give, she made sure I got something I liked. There is a piece of hand-made pottery containing a plant because she liked collecting pottery and loved growing plants. Lastly, are candles and some of her favorite flowers as well

Kelly Wyatt

I decided to do my project about my cousin Karen. She was a very special person to my entire family. She passed away after she had a knee replacement. This loss was unexpected, and family still has difficult time with it. Karen was always the family member that you could have a good laugh with but could also turn to for helpful advice. She was a labor and deliver nurse and loved to help people whenever possible. In her free time, she loved to go shopping for new jewelry and to crochet. I have included some of her scarves and jewelry in my altar. Her favorite thing other than her family and friends was clowns. She had an entire room in her house dedicated to her clowns. On the right side of my altar is one of the clowns from her collection. I chose to include an “over-the-top” sugar skull because this is the type of person she was. Karen always had to be super extra when everyone else just went with the simpler path.

Justin Phatsadavong

Mi altar es para mis perros, Jack y Cooper. Jack y Cooper llevan muertos por dos años, y los extraño mucho. En mi altar, incluí algunos de sus juguetes y fotos favoritas. Algunos de sus juguetes favoritos eran bolas y pequeños esqueletos. Mi madre tenía una almohada de Cooper y yo duermo con la almohada todas las noches. Espero que mi altar les dé felicidad.

Meg Silwa

Este altar es para mi bisabuelo. Murió hace unos años y yo quería honrarlo con este altar. Mi bisabuelo es uno de mis modelos más grandes. Él era bombero para el departamento de bomberos de Chicago. El camión de bomberos en el altar es un camión de bomberos que siempre guardaba en su casa. Me dio el camión de bomberos antes de morir. Puse fotos de mi bisabuelo por sí mismo, con la familia, y conmigo para mostrar lo feliz que estaba. También puse velas y comida en el altar para honrarlo. Amo y extraño mucho a mi bisabuelo.

Arden Davis (3rd Place)

This altar is dedicated to my wonderful roommate Madeline. I wanted to formally honor her in a way that fully embodies her personality. Her ability to brighten up a room, instantly stealing everyone’s attention is represented by the colorful and floral accessories and the lights. The candy represents her ability to make everything in life a little bit sweeter. The only thing missing from this altar would be a can of diet coke, because if she could only enjoy one beverage for the rest of her life, that would be it. Period.

Rachel Lebo

Elegí hacer mi altar para mi abuelo. Mi abuelo se llamaba Thomas Griffith. Fue un farmacéutico que ayudó a sus pacientes. Amaba a todos sus nietos, cualquier cosa dulce, Nascar y películas viejas. Mi abuelo era mi persona favorita que cuidaba a todos los que lo rodeaban. Siempre puso a los demás delante de sí mismo, por lo que debe ser recordado y honrado.

Caleb Mcclean

My Dia De Los Muertos Altar was for my Grandpa John. His favorite holiday was Thanksgiving. Before he passed, He and Grandma always made a feast (like the one in the Altar). Grandma's nickname for him was 'Pumpkin', so I added those. Every morning he would eat 2 Cuties (Oranges) before work, hence why I have oranges.

Sarah Pérez

Kobe Bryant fue muy influyente en los deportes, pero también afuera de los deportes. Usé morado y un poco de amarillo porque su equipo tiene estos colores. Incluí elementos comunes para el Día de los Muertos, como velas, flores, y figuras de esqueletos y calaveras.

Bruce Wynd

Hola, me llamo Bruce y soy uno de los estudiantes de Carmel Tanguay. Mis ofrendas son al cantante Frank Sinatra por sus contribuciones a la música, la moda y la cultura popular. Las ofrendas son topo Chicos, arroz integral y frijoles negros.

Jena Semano

This altar is to celebrate my Dad and my dog Charles Wallace. My Dad was born in 1929 the year of the depression. He had a childhood of doing without. As a result, he enjoyed, and was delighted by the simple things, like a cold glass of water when he worked in the hot Southern Californian sun. He loved working out in his yard and made so many home improvements on his home in the 32 years he lived there. Towards the end of his life he loved sitting in his sunroom and looking out at the backyard at all the things he had done. He especially loved plants. He would tell you he had a “eh kind of” green thumb. If he could get it to grow it would thrive, but if he couldn’t, then nothing he did would get that plant to grow. Family was important to him and the altar is made on a wood project of my Uncle’s. It is a copy of his Army footlocker.My dog’s name was Charles Wallace. He died earlier this year in February. He was a good boy. He was gentle with and protective of his mother, my other dog Maggie. He would guide her to neat stuff he smelled that he thought she might like too. When I went on walks with friends, I would always give them Maggie’s leash to hold because she was the better behaved of the two. Charles Wallace would stop periodically and trot over to make sure my friends were doing everything right by his mother. When we went to the dog park sometimes other dogs would get rambunctious and shove Maggie in their exuberance and she has arthritis, so it hurt her. Charles Wallace would throw himself at dogs that got too close and were not conscious of her presence. I’m going to miss him a lot this winter because he was my back warmer. He seemed to know that one spot above the blankets that was chilly, and he would come and lay down behind me and warm me while I read.

Sabrina Martínez

This is an altar for my beloved family dog, Lola Martinez. She will always be missed in our hearts – she truly gave my brother, my sister, and I the best family pet we ever had growing up. She passed away from old age whenever we finally had all reached adulthood, and we all made so many memories with her. I know up there in doggie heaven she is all waiting with us to be played with again. We love you, Lola.

Olivia Settle

En mi altar, yo tengo a mi abuelo, y tres de mi bisabuelas. Yo nunca los conocí algo, pero me encantan mucho.

Elizabeth Dubendorfer

I created my altar for my great-grandmother Doryce who died in the summer of 2016. Although I did not know her my entire life, I was blessed to spend her last several summers with her in her cottage in New York. She was an accomplished woman, mother, and wife who had two children, five grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. Doryce was an amazing writer and scholar, I rarely saw her without her notebook and even more rare without a book. She also was a very talented artist who loved to create portraits of her family members so realistic that they looked like photos. This all went into why I chose the pieces on the altar; the sunflower to represent the fields around her cottage, the books and pen to represent the writer and artist spirit in her, pan de Muertos with an orange glaze to represent her “famous” orange pancakes, and a photo of her the year she died but also with her first grandchild as she always said that when a new member joined the family it was an amazing blessing and my dad was always her favorite after being her first.

Jessica Dukes

This is my dog, Pumpkin. On the left side of the alter is her leash. I had her from the time I was born until I was 12 when she passed away of cancer. She was and always will be very important to me. She was always there for me through the difficulties of school and growing up. I love and miss you, Pumpkin.

Keristen Layrock

My Día de los Muertos alter is on Maya Angelou. I created my alter on her because she was very influential to me throughout my year’s of high school and still is. We both have a love for poetry, and the way she spoke her poetry with dignity inspired me. Maya Angelou represented dignity, poise, and greatness.

Grace Powell

Dediqué mi altar a Ruth Bader Ginsburg porque ella es una inspiración para mí. Ruth logró muchas cosas asombrosas en su vida. Luchó con éxito por los derechos de las mujeres y la igualdad del género. Ruth es alguien como quien quiero ser. Estoy orgullosa de lo que ha hecho por este país. Murió el 18 de septiembre de 2020.

Maggie Ward

My altar is honoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I included inspirational quotes that reminded me of her, many candles, a handful of books on topics she was passionate about, a bouquet of her favorite flowers (white hydrangeas), pictures of her, her famous dissent collar, and finally a magazine and a few little things featuring her.