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Engineering Student Workshops: Home

Flyer for Building a Personal System for Keeping Up with Technical Literature (March 28 and March 29, 2018)

Do you sometimes feel it is dicult to keep track of the
ever-increasing volume of technical literature due to
information overload?

Solutions will be discussed in a one hour workshop.

—Information overload and technical literature
—Deciding which technical sources to monitor regularly
—Setting up alerts in Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, and Google
—Developing search strings for alerts
—Saving PDFs
—Storing references

Flyer for Fostering Innovation by Learning to Search for Technical Literature (April 5 and April 6, 2018)

Did you know that it is possible for you to become more innovative in engineering research and design by reading technical literature? Engineers and academics who have won awards tend to read more than those who have not.

Solutions will be discussed in a one hour workshop.
A Workshop for Engineering Students
—The role of scholarly literature in the research and design cycles
—Reading habits of engineers
—Role of serendipity along with trial and error in searching for
technical information
—Using mind maps to record search terms and ideas
—Refining search strategies for technical information

STEM Librarian for Engineering

Profile Photo
Mikayla Wood
Subjects: Engineering