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Apps and Software for the Engineering Literature Review: Google Scholar Tips and Apps

This guide describes software and apps that can help with various stages of writing a graduate level engineering literature review. Most are cost-free, but not all.

Setting Up Google Scholar Preferences

In Google Scholar settings, Library Links may be configured so that you can check for Full Text at UT in Google Scholar.

Image of selecting Library Links in Google Scholar


Proximity Searching in Google Scholar

You can improve searches in Google Scholar by using the AROUND  connector.


composite manufacturing AROUND(5) automobiles   finds references where  "composite manufacturing" is five or fewer words away from  "automobiles."

Google Scholar includes words such as "automotive" as well as "automobiles."

Setting up Alerts in Google Scholar

Click on Create Alert in Google Scholar.

Click on Alerts, Search for Keywords, and then Create Alert.

Explore Citing Articles in Google Scholar

Click on Cited By in Google Scholar.