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Utopias and Planned Communities in Tennessee (Special Collections): Home

This research guide will direct you to materials in Special Collections related to the history of utopian and planned communities in Tennessee.

What's in this Guide?

This research guide will direct you to materials in Special Collections related to the history of utopian and planned communities in Tennessee.

Special Collections: Searching

Use the following to locate general information and resources related to Tennessee utopias and planned communities. Try combining several terms to return more relevant results.

  • Tennessee
  • Kingsport, Tennessee


  • Utopias
  • Oak Ridge, Tennessee


  • Harriman, Tennessee
  • Rugby, Tennessee


To find more information on locating primary sources, manuscripts, and archives material in Special Collections, please visit the Using Special Collection's SCOUT research guide, found at

General Special Collection Resources for Planned Tennessee Utopian Communities

Some Tennessee Utopias. 1941 (Thesis41.M64)
Visions of Utopia: Nashoba, Rugby, Ruskin, and the "New Communities" in Tennessee's Past. 1977 (HX655.T2 E37)

Special Collections Subject Guides

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Special Collections
121 Hodges Library
1015 Volunteer Blvd.
Knoxville, TN 37996

Go to Special Collections for more information.