Public Opinion:Databases/Data Resources

A guide to resources.

Subject Databases

The databases listed here are useful for finding journal articles. Connect directly to the UT Databases at

  • Academic Search Premier
    Contains both popular periodicals and scholarly journals. "Public Opinion Polls" is a subject category.

  • Business Source Complete 
    Covers approximately 3000 business journals. Includes such titles as Advertising Age, American Demographics, and Broadcasting. Major subject headings are PUBLIC OPINION, POLLS AND SURVEYS, ATTITUDE SURVEY
  • PAIS International and PAIS Archive 
    Covers a wide range of public opinion information from journals, books, and government documents. Major subject heading is PUBLIC OPINION.
  • PsycINFO (via ProQuest) 
    An index of the world's psychological journal literature which includes abstracts for articles on the psychological aspects of public opinion. Subject terms are PUBLIC OPINION AND ATTITUDES. 
  • Sociological Abstracts/Sociofile CSA 
    The electronic version of Sociological Abstracts. Terms are PUBLIC OPINION, SURVEYS, OPINION POLLS, or search the specific subject of interest.
  • ProQuest Statistical Insight  1973+ 
    This database contains references to statistics from state and federal governments, private publishers. and international organizations. Use terms like attitude surveys, opinion, consumer surveys.

Public Opinion Research/Polls

American National Election Studies (ANES)
Public opinion data covering elections, voter participation, and voter characteristics, 1948 - current

CQ Researcher
Contains reports about current and controversial issues. Excellent for finding overviews, pros/cons, and lists of key resources

Comprehensive polling of public opinion on a variety of issues, including politics, elections, and the Congress

General Social Survey (GSS)
Data on "the structure and development of american society," 1972-2010

Opinion Archives (1850 - current)
A collection of leading scholarly journals of opinion in politics [and arts and culture]

Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
" ... an independent, non-partisan public opinion research organization that studies attitudes toward politics ... and public policy issues."

Points of View Reference Center
Provides information to multiple sides of a current issue

Roper Center for Public Opinion Research
An extensive archive of public opinion information, providing access to the iPOLL database, a database of 500,000 questions and answers asked in the U.S. since 1935, and access to the datasets of survey results through RoperExpress. [note:  This link connects you to the iPOLL database. To search the Datasets Collection, click on the Datasets link at the top of the iPOLL page]

Vossische Zeitung Online (1918 - 1934)
The Vossische Zeitung is a source for the study of political reporting and public opinion in Germany. Please click Logout when exiting database
[note: Expressed in German and English; see drop-down menu at right for preference]