For more funding opportunities for UTK researchers, visit ORIED's internal hub and the UTK InfoReady site.
Apply for OA publishing support!
The Open Publishing Support Fund, co-sponsored by the UT Libraries and the Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development, helps UT researchers pay article processing charges to enable open access to peer-reviewed articles.
For questions or support, please contact
Check the Open Publishing Discounts webpage to see the publishers who offer varying level of discounts to UT researchers! OA publishing fees may be completely waived or discounted at a percentage depending on the publisher agreement.
The Open Monograph Support Fund (OMSF) aids University of Tennessee researchers in providing public access to their works. The OMSF provides financial support toward book processing charges for UTK researchers publishing fully open access, single author monographs. Open Access publications support UTK’s land-grant mission and commitment to providing all Tennesseans with quality research and educational materials!
The OMSF is a limited fund and will be distributed via a competition. Applicants will provide a 500-word maximum impact statement detailing how their monograph will serve their field and/or community. The impact statements will be evaluated along with the other publication requirements during the consideration process.
The OMSF is co-sponsored by the Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development and the University Libraries.
For questions or support, please contact
The Data Archiving and Sharing Fund assists University of Tennessee, Knoxville, researchers in openly archiving and preserving data sets by providing up to $250 toward depositing a data set in the data repository Dryad. Supported in full by the University of Tennessee Libraries this fund serves to support UTK researchers in archiving, preserving, and sharing their research data.
For questions or support, please contact
Note: funds listed here are not being endorsed or promoted by UTK but are in this list for informational purposes.
Description: "Welcome to the exciting and impactful world of grant writing! Whether you are a student embarking on a career in nonprofit management, a budding researcher eager to secure funding for your projects, or a professional looking to hone your grant writing skills, this textbook is designed to guide you through every step of the grant writing process. Grant writing is not just about securing funds; it's about crafting a story, building relationships, and making a tangible impact on communities and fields of study. This book aims to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and insights needed to excel in this rewarding field."