Types of tutorials: View Legend
Tutorials in this category focus on learning and enhancing research skills.
These tutorials are listed based on our proposed research process. An Alphanumeric version of the Research Database list is also available.
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Tutorials in this category will discuss accessing and using databases as well as other tools and apps that support the research process.
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Special thanks to ChatGPT Opens in a new window. for providing valuable assistance in refining and structuring the learning objectives for several tutorials on this site.
Applied Learning
These tutorials walk users through a concept, such as information literacy. Users will answer questions based on the information along the way. They may have a variety of formats within them - including text, videos, animations, etc.
Interactive Guide
These tutorials walk users through a process, such as using an app, database, or research tool. Users are asked to complete requested actions along the way. These guides may have a variety of formats within them - including text, videos, and questions.
Text-Based Guide
These tutorials will be text-based, such as PDFs or web sites.
Video-Based Guide
These tutorials are video-based. They may contain a series of videos or just one.
Tutorial Series
Tutorials marked as "Tutorial Series" are broken into multiple parts.
Research Basics
Citing Your Sources and Creative Works Evaluating Sources Finding Articles Finding Books and More General Search Tips and Strategies The Information Cycle Mind Map Primary Versus Secondary SourcesDatabases and Research Tools
CINAHL Connecting Google Scholar and the University Libraries EndNote Basics ERIC JSTOR LibKey Nomad PowerNotes PsycINFO PubMed Scopus Visible Body Web of Science WorldCatAbout the University Libraries
Jargon Blaster Jargon Blaster (Question Only Version) Using the University Libraries: A Volunteer Experience