Help via email:
Help from :
People who can help:
Jeanine Williamson Fletcher
for University of Tennessee Knoxville
(865) 974-9164
Paul Gahn
for University of Tennesee Health Sciences Center (University of Tennessee Memphis)
(901) 448-7351
Preferably the Endnote library should be open during these steps.
Perform your search in FirstSearch.
Click on the selection box by references you wish to send into Endnote and click on "Export."
Select Endnote and Marked Records.
Select the Endnote library you wish for the records to go into, if necessary.
When you click on "Export" a list of filters within the Endnote program will come up. Put in "OCLC" and then choose the FirstSearch database you are using, such as Worldcat.
The records will go into the Endnote library.